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Former co worker being awkward towards me

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5 months ago a co-worker at the store I work at ended up leaving. We’re both early 20s women and we got along great so I was sad to see her go but we’ve hung out a few times since then and I still see her often because her husband is a now manager at the store.


She was always friendly when she came

into the store until about 2 months ago. I have no clue why but now she actively avoids me. If I try to talk to her, she’ll only say hi as she looks around for her husband and walks away. Today we bumped into each other and you could tell she tried to avoid eye contact. I really don’t care about her avoiding or liking me. We don’t have to be friends. What I don’t like is bumping into her and it being awkward. I don’t like having to be on eggshells at my place of work. My plan was to just be upfront and tell her we don’t need to speak but don’t know if that’s the best option since her husband is my manager. Any advice?

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I think in a lot of places, sometimes people pretend to be friendly, but they aren't really friends-friends. A lot of friendships dissolve once someone leaves the job. Is there any reason at all you can think of that you may have upset her? Otherwise, I'd just chalk it up to former co-workers drifting apart. Just say "hi" and leave it at that. Throw a compliment her way if you want (I like your sweater!)

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Don't say anything to her. I'll bet you her husband said something about he likes you and the wife started imagining you were having an affair or might have an affair with him. Talking to her will only cause an argument even though you're pure as the driven snow. She's probably ready to blow her top at you if you say anything. Just play it cool. If you can, carefully ask your manager about what's up with his wife. He might tell you.

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@Annie...Friends drifting apart is totally understandable and happens all the time. Shes clearly avoiding me though, pretends she didn’t see me, etc. Something is bothering her. The only possible thing I could think of is she saw something I posted or liked on FB that she didnt like. I don’t care if we’re not friends, I just hate the extreme awkwardness. I really like the compliment idea, so we’ll see if that works.

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@Dan Someone else suggested maybe her husband had said something to her. He’s a really cool guy and while it’s possible he said something, I dont know what about. We’re cool but nothing even slightly close to being attracted to each other. I might be able to talk to him though. We’ll see. Thanks for the advice.

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@Dan Someone else suggested maybe her husband had said something to her. He’s a really cool guy and while it’s possible he said something, I dont know what about. We’re cool but nothing even slightly close to being attracted to each other. I might be able to talk to him though. We’ll see. Thanks for the advice.
I had a very long time friend at work suddenly stop communicating with me in any way. After very close friendship and helping each other with home issues and health problems. Then Silence. For a year. It was hard for me to understand and I could only imagine what I might have done to upset her. No just busy. She d say. After a year she stopped in and said she heard that I started a rumor at work about her husband and was furious and couldn't face me until she calmed down. I didn't start any rumor . I asked what was the rumor? It was a weird thing I'd never heard or would say . so. We are no longer friends. We say hello in passing. I give her a ride home sometimes. Its necessary to keep it at that level because we work together but I no longer trust her. Shes too much temper and hard work and. I deserve better from a real friend. Who knows all the things that are going on , the gossip, the comments, the untruths, jealousy.
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