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Her friends dont like me. Just got a message from her friend saying how I'm mistreating her and I dont know what i have. She even said she dosent like me and wishes i wake up soon, as my gf dosent doesn't expect too much from me. I simply responded with a "thanks for your opinion


It's strange, but i talk to my guy friends and my siblings and father, and they tell me she is manipulative and is never happy, even when you treat her good. Everytime I try to end this relationship i get guilted back into it and it's hard to leave because shes threathens me with im never talking to you again and if "you leave me, you'll have no one in your life and you'll be lonely" I feel so guilty for hurting her that I want to stay and make sure shes okay, how screwed is that. She zaps my strength to walk away.


I told her I will try harder and be better (she thinks she is the mature one and makes minimal mistakes and I'm the one who needs to step up, fair enough) and she said she had the best week with me. We had one bad night.


We had plans to go to my house and hangout after she was done at our friends bday. I got off work early and decided to join them. All her friends covinced me to come drinking with them, so we all went out to the club after, which means our original plan would have to be postponed. I thought this was reasonable, her friends wanted to go out, its her friends bday, i assumed shed be on board! Apparently what i did was wrong because my gf apparently wanted to leave, and just expected me to know that. I told her my perspective ( that I thought she was on boardwith going out after and that we would obviously reschedule) but she never listens, even said I should never answer the phone to my gf with a "whatsup" and completely disregarded my perspective on why I didn't take her back to my place right away. Guys is this expecting too much? My friends says a girl should never expect that of you and the fact that she brought it up as you being in the wrong is ridiculous. Next day she picked me up from work gave me a hug (after the bad day) and said now I'm going to for 10 minutes okay? ) and this is when she told me all this. Like really, you had to bring this up? I defended myself and it all went downhill.

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What do you mean she threatens to never talk to you again if you break up with her? That sounds like a gift, not a threat.


She would be your ex at that point so not talking to an ex is a good thing right?



This all sounds very high school to me. How old are you two?



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It's strange, but i talk to my guy friends and my siblings and father, and they tell me she is manipulative and is never happy, even when you treat her good. Everytime I try to end this relationship i get guilted back into it and it's hard to leave because shes threathens me with im never talking to you again and if "you leave me, you'll have no one in your life and you'll be lonely" I feel so guilty for hurting her that I want to stay and make sure shes okay, how screwed is that. She zaps my strength to walk away.


This is pretty worrisome. She is very emotionally manipulative from what you say here. I would jump ship as soon as that crazy side was shown.


Also, you dad and siblings probably are going to want what they think is best for you. It sounds like they probably see her more clearly than you do. That in conjunction with what you said about her I would trust your family's opinion.


If you have tried breaking up with her in the past there has to be a reason that you consider legitimate. That with her manipulations make her seem like a bad partner for you.


It sounds like it is time for you to follow through with breaking up with her and stop letting her manipulate you.

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Why in the world are so many people involved in your relationship?


message from her friend saying how I'm mistreating her and I dont know what i have...

my guy friends and my siblings and father, and they tell me she is manipulative....

i get guilted back into it and it's hard to leave because shes threathens me....

She zaps my strength to walk away...

All her friends covinced me to come drinking with them....

My friends says a girl should never expect that of you....


The first thing you need to do, before anything else can be resolved, is limit your relationship to you and your girlfriend. YOU need to navigate the situation and negotiate for what you want. If you and she can't see eye to eye on important things, then you need to leave. It's very simple. You are over-complicating things by inviting the whole neighborhood in to provide commentary on the state of your relationship. This isn't a trial by jury.

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