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Fitness Challenge


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Yes I'm in!


I had a really bad breakup 2 months ago, and in trying to get my t.v. back from him in subsequent emails, he called me fat, that I have flabby arms, and that I wear XXXL granny panties. He got so ugly....and he's keeping my tv!! Jerk!


But....it's true that I gained 5-10 lbs while dating him, and my fitness took a complete backseat. Why? I look back now and realize I was stress eating, and just too worn out for workouts.


I've been back in the gym 4x/week for the past few weeks, and my healthy eating has been awesome. And my jeans are back on!!! Yay!


But I still have about 10 lbs to lose.


So yes....sign me up!


My goal: Maintain my 4x/week gym workouts + logging all my food. I use MyFitnessPal, which I love!



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Awesome guys!


Im starting today.....but officially we can start Nov 1st.

The challenge is working out no less than 3x a week....whatever workout suits you. Also eating clean and healthy.

Of course Thanksgiving is going to be an exception but after that .get back on the horse!!


Im alternating cardio and weights....weights 3x a week...and cardio 2x.

No one is being judged or scrutinized. This is a way of staying on track and staying committed.

By New Years we will be ready for that little black dress!

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Day 3 for me....

Just a cardio day ..but it's my only day off and I'm exhausted. I haven't worked out yet and I know I'll feel better once I do...normally I don't struggle with this but today ...not sure why? Feeling slightly under the weather too...

Also thinking about Chinese food for dinner.

Lol....I guess today is just an off day for me.



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2 gym workouts done this week, 2 more to go this weekend.


Put on a pair of jeans I haven't worn in 5 years! OK they're too tight to actually wear, lol, but I did get them zipped.


Food has been logged every day into MyFitnessPal, and I'm weighing & measuring everything. I even allowed for some wine the other night with a dinner out & managed to stay on track!

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2 gym workouts done this week, 2 more to go this weekend.


Put on a pair of jeans I haven't worn in 5 years! OK they're too tight to actually wear, lol, but I did get them zipped.


Food has been logged every day into MyFitnessPal, and I'm weighing & measuring everything. I even allowed for some wine the other night with a dinner out & managed to stay on track!


Awesome!!! Keep posting!! Progress is progress!

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Still here! The last week has not been stellar...had to attend a birthday party so there was cake and alcohol..lol.


So today Im getting back on track ...hopefully until New Years. Im trying to make a plan so that holidays don't impair my goals. By that I mean Im planning alternative ways of getting around the insanity of holiday food..and avoiding it if I can.


Hope to hear from you guys and how you're doing....

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I'm still hanging in! I've stayed on track food-wise, and I've logged everything into MyFitnessPal. I've worked out 4x/week for the past 2 weeks. This week, I might only get 3 workouts in due to scheduling. I've lost 3 lbs. in 2 weeks, which I guess is ok, although I'd like to lose faster! I'm 8 lbs. above goal weight #1, and 13 lbs. above true goal weight.


I'm trying to be sooooo good before Thanksgiving.

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I'm still hanging in! I've stayed on track food-wise, and I've logged everything into MyFitnessPal. I've worked out 4x/week for the past 2 weeks. This week, I might only get 3 workouts in due to scheduling. I've lost 3 lbs. in 2 weeks, which I guess is ok, although I'd like to lose faster! I'm 8 lbs. above goal weight #1, and 13 lbs. above true goal weight.


I'm trying to be sooooo good before Thanksgiving.


Awesome update!! Yayyyyyy!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure what day we are on....but I wanted to just quickly post and say I AM still in the game..lol....

I don't think posting every single day is necessary ...in addition it gets repetitive.


Also wanted to note that I weighed myself today which I rarely ever do and was shocked to see Im at 126!!! Six months ago I was about 136 so Im soooo happy!!!!

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