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Any Suggestions Would Be Greatly Appreciated


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I've put in my PTO and I've been off since Thursday, originally I had no plans except heading to the Garden State to see my Godson with hopes of stopping by Taiyaki NYC and Central Park. I got to see my Godson, got him dressed and the little guy fell asleep before we could even put his shoes on to head out the door, so plans got postponed, I had a great time with him. While there I got a chance to chat with his mother (my cousin's gf) regarding my past relationship (briefly discussed in first post) on my way back to Philly, I somewhat got in a state of sadness and now I'm feeling depressed, with the few days I have left I would like to take a trip (preferably by Amtrak) I did enough driving today and I'm not in the mood for solo driving road adventures.


But I'm thinking of taking Amtrak anywhere, hopefully somewhere relaxing to clear my head or at least preoccupy my time, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated especially if anyone had done something similar. I recently came across this story about how a twitter user got others involved in Amtrak trip in different cities and I'm feeling somewhat adventurous for a solo trip anywhere in the US, I have the time so why not..???


Thanks in advance. (p.s. I need a major stress reliever)!!!

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When I get adventurous, I pack a lunch and go visit places within a few hours of me. Visit their libraries, museums, free stuff and take a lot of pics. I generally ask 'who makes the best breakfast?' and 'who had the best dinner?' Most times the question is met by more questions or some famous chow franchise BUT every now and then, someone spits out some obscure name and I set the hook, 'what would you recommend to try?'. I take the advice and have been very happy with the risk.


Pick another direction a month later and enjoy it, the good and the bad. There is nothing worse than thinking that you wished you had time to visit. Time is now. Good travels.

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