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Long distantace Heartbreak


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Hello I was in a long distance relationship (or so I thought ) for 2 years , we never met because my chronic migraines developed during this time and he said he was fine with that etc. well 6 months ago he stopped calling me (after I sent him bday gifts , xmas gifts etc . and fnally said he was dating a married woman with 6 kids lol . Well my heart was broken and I moved on , well he contacted me again last month trying to "rebuild " everything , and like a FOOL I agreed! two days ago I found out he has a kid with this "woman" and doesn't see him and suddenly wants to be in his life , he is a pathological liar also , he then said well " we had a long talk and she decided to give me her cousin " lol ! I was so angered ! I even had sent him a bday giftcard which he GLADLY accepted and even had the nerve to ask me to ask my parents for money to buy us a home! I said why did you tell me all this stuff if you obviously don't care about me ?? he said " well I need someone in my own state " now I don't trust ANYONE , has anyone dealt with something similar ?

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Well, that's why I always say that ONLINE dating (not LDR) is not really dating. Someone can say ANYTHING on the Internet. I wouldn't be sure that his latest story is true. The real story might be he had a fight with his girlfriend, got angry at her for a month, and then made up. So he's just trying to get rid of you with some outlandish stories. I don't think it's a matter of trust. It's a matter of dating someone you can hold and kiss and touch. You can find out a lot about a person just looking into their eyes. Of course, meeting their friends, seeing where they live, etc. can tell you a lot too.

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OP, you are seeing why attempting to have a relationship with someone you have never met in person is a really bad and unrealistic proposition.


Forget this guy forever, and please, don't do "online relationships" again. I don't mean to be dismissive or unkind, but it's very likely that you know very little about who this man actually is.

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