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Help with ex and mutual friends

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I travelled to LA to meet MJ fans and made very close friends. I ended up dating one and now that we've broken up I am in a dilema. I went no contact but we are all mutual friends who get together for events. I feel it will be super awkward if I go and no one knows how to act around one another because of this rift. It's not like it's just local friends, people make effort to go a long way to go to these things so I don't want to avoid them. Should I unblock my ex and attempt to create some level of peace there or... just what do you think would be the best approach? He and I were often central to many events as well so we will interact eventually no matter what. I also don't want to throw away the friendships I made.

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Did you actually date -- hand-holding, kissing, fooling around -- or was this just over the Internet? If your dating was just over the Internet, just apologize for whatever happened and ask if you could be friends. It might be awkward for a get-together for a couple of times, but it should eventually iron itself out. If you were actually dating, I would pull your ex aside at your next get-together and make your apologies and ask if you could be friends. Hopefully you can be "just friends."

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Did you actually date -- hand-holding, kissing, fooling around -- or was this just over the Internet? If your dating was just over the Internet, just apologize for whatever happened and ask if you could be friends. It might be awkward for a get-together for a couple of times, but it should eventually iron itself out. If you were actually dating, I would pull your ex aside at your next get-together and make your apologies and ask if you could be friends. Hopefully you can be "just friends."[/quote


We were in a serious relationship. He is a rather toxic person but is respected among the mutual friends because they have not been in an intimate relationship with him. He is fun as a friend but quite manipulative as a partner.

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