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He is 40years old looking at 14year old girls..


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I don't think I'd be ok with dating a guy who follows 130 sexy posing models even if they were adults. It's one thing to use porn and erotic materials when horny, but someone for whom looking at sexy women is one of his daily hobbies wouldn't be a match for me... like these guys who hang a calendar with naked women at their work and they think it's nice. Like what's the point? They need their penis slightly erected all the time or they become unproductive?



Thats going off the point. We're not talking about adult porn here. Your associating looking at adult women to pedophilia which is grossly incorrect. If you want to discuss the pros and cons of adult porn start another thread.

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Thats going off the point. We're not talking about adult porn here. Your associating looking at adult women to pedophilia which is grossly incorrect. If you want to discuss the pros and cons of adult porn start another thread.


The point is discussing OP's individual situation. I say even if the guy is one of these dudes that take 14 year olds for 18 year olds, and he genuinely believes that's how 18 year old women look like due to some media brainwash, still following 130 (!) profiles of these very young girls is CREEPY.

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He is disgusting. No normal man "admires" young girls like this, so don't let him fool you into believing that.


He is trying to make you look bad to take the heat off himself, but I think all of us here can safely say he is a predator and sick.


You're not the problem, he is.

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The point is discussing OP's individual situation. I say even if the guy is one of these dudes that take 14 year olds for 18 year olds, and he genuinely believes that's how 18 year old women look like due to some media brainwash, still following 130 (!) profiles of these very young girls is CREEPY.


Yes everyone agrees it is creepy, but you started going on about men looking at erotic posters of adult women and how you have a problem with it, which is not the point here.

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Possession of child porn - in ANY media form - is illegal.


If you suspect it, you have to report it. It doesn't matter if you aren't sure that he's going to websites with child porn or not. You have reasonable doubt that his behavior is appropriate. Let the investigators take a look at his online activity and determine if he should be charged or not. It's not your job to determine if he is breaking the law.


Please do the right thing. This man is disgusting and you know it deep down.

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No! He is sick and this is not normal behavior for a grown man. He is trying to justify it. The only way you would havw a low self esteem in this situation is if you gave him another minute of your day. He's headed down a bad road don't let him drag you down with him.

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No! He is sick and this is not normal behavior for a grown man. He is trying to justify it. The only way you would havw a low self esteem in this situation is if you gave him another minute of your day. He's headed down a bad road don't let him drag you down with him.


Thank you. Actually he's made his profile public on instagram and I just realized that he added another 30 little girls aged 13-15 and some of them private with sexual titles.like age 14 xanax and whoever survives. so I guess it is obvious he is a pedophile!!!

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