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Blocked me on social media.... But...


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How would you respond...


To an ex that was off the wall rude... Then tried to pretend to want to get back together.... But really only wanted to play...


You start ignoring them...


They get butt hurt....


A few days in on you ignoring them..... They want to act all seriously interested in wanting to start over and work through stuff..... But... You glance at their fb/messenger and realize they blocked you on both....




Ok ok.. so I already know I'm dealing with a megga douche..

It's just good to know others feel like this is only some sick joke/need for control over someone you pushed away kinda thing....


Sooo... I accidentally sent them a video clip today...

OMG... LoL.. and mortified at the same time.


It was beyond apperent that it was an accident... But they called me immediately... Which I didn't answer... And I explained the obvious ... accidental clip.. and they just said it was ok.. and it made them smile... (Ugh)

And asked how me and my kids have been.


I'm more so looking for a suggestion on how to respond...in a cool .. I'm dooin great without you way...



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I presume you want to get back together. Correct?


Honestly.... I am conflicted.


He said he needed space... Out of the blue...

I respected that...

And he continued to text me the next day...

Which was odd and to me was mixed signals

I texted back a bit... But wasn't sure how to respond... Since his texts were almost exclusively flirty ...

I reminded him I don't just flirt randomly.. and from what he had said about needing space.... Well.. it just made me uncomfortable for that to be the type of interaction...

Anytime I chose to not respond after that bc he was still being flirty... He got moody... And snappy...


I layed it all out on the table for him... How he acted.. what I thought .. how I was willing to work through stuff... But he needed to be open to ...well.. being more open and real.


He then took me off his fb....

And changed his status to single... But continued.to text me...


I called him out a couple.times on playin games....

He had off excuses.. and usually led to "me making it weird" (I never texted first.. and tried to be polite and "normal")


I finally layed it all out again for him and said.. texting isn't gunna work....if he wanted to get past this oddness he'd call.

Ignored.... LoL.. ugh


So... Really.... I had to choose to ignore him ... For my own sanity so to say.


Hmmmmm.. yeah.. he didn't like that... A few days in he was tripping and beggin me to respond and call... But after I was so honest and forward and he shot down REAL conversation... I had to distance myself.

I didn't respond


He texted me and said he want to work on us...

Then within 30min blocked me on social media..


I didn't bother to text back after seeing that.


After a few more days.. and I accidentally sent him a video clip (there is zero chance he would of thought it was on purpose)


He called immediately and I didn't answer.. and just stated it was an accident...


He asked how the kids and I were. I didn't answer for a day.. till.he said.. some comment. About me ignoring him


I basically said....

Idk how you think I would want to talk to you or work things out when your acting out like you are.. all steeming from something you put in motion and pushed me to being here...


We chatted a bit and ened up havin a two hour convo...on the phone.


Idk... He claims blocking me on FB was nothing to do with being shady... And although I don't even care for fb... It definitely screamed shady to me.


I told him in order to even consider talkin again he would unblock me and add me back.. as a trust exercise that he has nothing to hide and isn't playing games


Next day.. he texts... I'm semi normal in responses but distracted by the silly fb garble...

A few texts in ...

I remind him I wasn't joking about fb. And if it was truly not to be shady.. it was a 30second fix...


He blew up a bit.. said he would.just deleted it.... And I should be happy


Nope.. it proves nothing to me.. for him to deactivate fb.. and I told him this... As well as... It is much easier to deactivate fb then delete the local single female hang out buddies he had added back on there.. and have then messaging him.askin why...


Am I the only one that thinks it is such an easy fix.. if there was nothing shady going on.




I told him... It's not ME that is making this a big deal.. I actually am making it a much smaller one then it deserves to be made.. and him struggling with it it only shows that he wants to "try and start over" ... Starting out the gate.. playing games...





Yes.. he means a lot to me... No.. other girls were never a problem in our relationship before.... But if someone acts the way he has and wants to try again.. they have to know that is gunna invovle effort... a good possibility more effort then they wish to exert.

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I presume you want to get back together. Correct?


I'd start by acting like an adult, and put an end to participating in this nonsense. It's not a game, it's a breakup.


I guess it would be easier.. to just ignore and move forward if I wasn't in a limbo of being prettttty sure I'm pregnant... And kinda really freaked out about having a child with no dad or sharing a kid with someone I'm not with...


I have three from a ten yr marriage and it is like... My worst nitemare... thinking about having another kid I have to..share in that manner.

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