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Hey all. Im going to try and typw this the best way possible try and stick with me here. Ive been "seeing" this woman now for about 5 months. She isnt ready for a "commitment" she sais its due to me having kids and she iant ready to get to close tp the kida again (like her past relationship). So basically shes given us the title as friends who have sex. So now whenever we are out somewhere eith friends she will tell another girl who asks her of we are seeing eachother that we are taking it slow so these other girls back right off. But when a guy asks her if we are seeing eachother its an instant "hes not my boyfriend"..... then the other day i have 2 friends of mine over who happen to be girls she shows up at my house and starts kissing me infront of them then asks me to go upstairs for sex. So my question is this. Im very confused on what exactly she wants out of this "relatiobship" she seems to be keeping me from seeing other girls although she keeps telling me she doesnt wsnt a relationship... im getting mixed signals.... is it normal for a girl who doesnt want a relationship to make out with u infront of other ppl... she always seems super busy snd to tired to do anything unless its something she comes up with..... do u guys think i should avoid this girl or keep trying to make it work ... which may be tough because i cant read what she wants. Im so confused and its stressing me out.

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A person can not want a relationship and still be jealous and possessive. It's an unattractive combination in my opinion.


I would trust her words. Just because she doesn't want you to hook up with other women doesn't mean she wants a relationship. She's saying she doesn't, I don't see any reason not to believe her.

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If you just want an open relationship, then continue to keep seeing her. If you want a relationship, you will just need to be direct and tell her you are not OK with just being friends and are looking for something more committed and if she is not ready, that is fine and to contact you when she changes her mind and you would be happy to see her. Then just walk away and never look back....


She is just trying to control everything and have you not see any women while she is able to keep her options open. I would definitely not put up with that....


I actually would probably tease her a bit too and if she says she wants to be friends and hook up, I would be like - "Sure, I always have room for more"

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I would send her packing. She isn't just telling you, she is showing you with her actions that she is not into you enough to want a relationship with you and that she totally has her eye open for the bigger better deal and will seek it in your face. She is actively demonstrating to you that you aren't good enough for her. Meanwhile, you are her good for now doormat and she is actively wiping her feet on you. Just say no to that kind of one sided drama and bs and walk away. Clearly there are better women and options for you out there. Dumping this chic should be a no brainer for you.

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Yeah, I agree that she's playing games with you. Hey, I've even seen my wife cuddle up to me when her friends are over, either trying to make them jealous because they're not in relationships, or to mark her territory by saying keep away from him. She's marking her territory. She wants to be free but she wants to block you from meeting new people. It's a form of control. It may be a reaction to her previous relationship where she might have had no control over her husband. She's trying to make up for it with you. You need to get away from her so you can form a healthy relationship with someone else.

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