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I don’t know what to do anymore.


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Ive been with this girl for practically 6 years. The first 2 years we were bestfriends. The 3rd year i told her that i loved her, cause i felt like i really needed too bc i truly love her. Well everything was literally perfect. Until, this guy from my past tried to contact me and my stupid ass talked to him and i cheated.. she forgave me which i couldnt be more thankful that she did. Well, almost a year and so many months have past and nothing is the same. She wont let me come to her house, she wont spend time with me unless its literally convienant for her. I sent her paragraphs upon paragraphs telling her i love her and how i felt about her and i dont get nothing back. I try to get her to stay with me all night and she wont and im getting to the point where im done with it. Idk what to do anymore. Help me.

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If you are not happy and feeling good in this relationship, then just move on, but do NOT string her along while you look for somebody else. I would end it and just wish her all the best, but since you are not happy you cannot continue. Also, I would say you cannot really blame her, because when you cheat on somebody that ruins everything....At least you will know for next time....but you still need to make sure you yourself are happy and just move on...

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