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my ex broke up with me exactly 2 weeks ago. NC for one week.


the reason he broke up with me was because i was becoming depressed, it made him worry about where things were going since his previous relationship was with a depressed girl and she brought him down a lot.


he still follows all of my social media, likes my Instagram posts, retweets and likes my tweets.


he said “I still love and care about you but I just want to be alone for now, I don’t want us to drift apart though”


i went NC for myself. i haven’t been sad or depressed about the breakup i just miss him. ever since the breakup ive been taking vitamins working out becoming more confident etc. i think he noticed this because last Sunday he said “I’m proud of you” when i posted a status about becoming more happy and confident.


i suppose my question here is, is there still a chance for him to come back.? i’m giving him space and giving myself space from him too. we ended on friendly terms.



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I'm sorry you're going through this. I can understand you both; been on both ends. Best thing you can do is continuing working on yourself, add a doctor's appointment (if you think you are really depressed) to the mix and focus on you. You need to get to a point where you don't need his approval to feel better about yourself.


There might be a chance. The magic that happens after NC and working on yourself is that you might not want him after it.


Keep working on yourself and time will tell!

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I think there is a chance if you work through your issues and if when you do you are both still interested and available. I think staying connected on social media is a very bad idea if you ever want to get back together. I would tell him that you're going to respect his desire to have time apart and that for you to move on you need to get over him and that seeing his posts on social media or his reactions to yours won't work for you. He knows how to contact you if he changes his mind and you know how to contact him if you believe you have resolved your issues, that they are not going to recur in any significant way, etc.

There is always a chance if the reason for the breakup is truly that and if that reason goes away.

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I don't know how bad your depression was or for how long but if you are prone to sadness or being down I would wonder is he willing to support you through bad times . You know the situation best but there will be inevitably be things in life that bring us down but maybe this was more than that

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I don't know how bad your depression was or for how long but if you are prone to sadness or being down I would wonder is he willing to support you through bad times . You know the situation best but there will be inevitably be things in life that bring us down but maybe this was more than that


he’s very supportive. i do have a hard time with self reliance so i’m working that on my time alone. he was also stressed because of school too. he said he worries that i will bring him down like his ex did (i didn’t bring him down but he worried that would happen).

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I think there is a chance if you work through your issues and if when you do you are both still interested and available. I think staying connected on social media is a very bad idea if you ever want to get back together. I would tell him that you're going to respect his desire to have time apart and that for you to move on you need to get over him and that seeing his posts on social media or his reactions to yours won't work for you. He knows how to contact you if he changes his mind and you know how to contact him if you believe you have resolved your issues, that they are not going to recur in any significant way, etc.

There is always a chance if the reason for the breakup is truly that and if that reason goes away.


he never ever posts things. he usually has social media to like other people’s pictures, etc. him liking my posts doesn’t bother me i just think it’s unusual considering he’s the one that dumped me. i don’t check his profiles or anything.

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How long have you guys known each other and have been dating?


we’ve known each other since early June. started dating at the end of July. it was a short relationship (2 months). but a super strong connection, he even acknowledged this himself. we’re basically the same people and that’s not often you find something like that. at first he seemed hesitant to break up but he said “i think its what i want to do” (uncertainty?). i dont think he thought this through before breaking up but that could be me.

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