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I recently met a man through work, who gave me his number and email address and asked me to phone or email if I fancied meeting up. I stupidly decided to send a text, as I'm shy in these situations, but haven't had a reply. I've checked my SMS status online with my mobile service provider, and the text isn't showing up at all (others I've sent to other people are). I'm not one for chasing, but I like this guy. Should I phone, assuming he hasn't received my text?

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He said to text or email him so email him and see what happens. Personally, If he doesn't have the dangly bits to actually ask me out instead of using the passive aggressive, "contact me if you're interested" then I'd not bother with him since he's not bothering to put in any effort.


He was right in front of you for goodness sakes and he didn't make an effort to ask you out on a date! (or did he and you said no?)

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He said to text or email him so email him and see what happens. Personally, If he doesn't have the dangly bits to actually ask me out instead of using the passive aggressive, "contact me if you're interested" then I'd not bother with him since he's not bothering to put in any effort.


He was right in front of you for goodness sakes and he didn't make an effort to ask you out on a date! (or did he and you said no?)


I agree with TWT. I would not phone him. Just send an email simply stating that you are use to men asking you out on a date, in person. Don't respond to any calls, or emails from him. It will let him know that you are interested, and you will later find out how really interested he is in you.

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I can't see how this guy did anything wrong. I would email and I would NOT say anything about men asking on dates. Why start with an implied criticism? That's not going to have any positive effect.


Well, I agree that she shouldn't put him down or say anything about being used to being asked out... However, he did do something wrong (IMO) in not asking her out when he was right in front of her. His lack of confidence would be a turn off to me in that regard.

Or it could also seem like he's thinking "meh, I can't be bothered but if she's keen enough to chase me, I'll give her a go."

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