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Help... I'm driving myself crazy.


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So my ex and I have been broken up for 4 months. We have had no contact in four months. He blocked me on Facebook immediately after the breakup. Last week we bumped into each other at a store by my house. I did not look at him, I did not speak to him, I kept my head looking straight down so as to not make any eye contact with him. Last week I did a name search of him on Facebook and a second Facebook profile for him came up. His profile picture was a picture I took of him. I was absolutely shocked to see this second Facebook profile. Am I reading too much into it? Do you think he is using that profile to look at my Facebook pictures? I miss this man terribly. The breakup came out of nowhere to me. We had been talking marriage, moving in together, Etc and then boom it was over. Do you think he is having second thoughts about The Break-Up? Please no mean or nasty responses. I'm dealing with a breakup just like the rest of us are. And I'm devastated. I still love this man. My guy friend said that if he had not made that profile to see me, he would have blocked me on it as well. What are your thoughts? TIA

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So my ex and I have been broken up for 4 months. We have had no contact in four months. He blocked me on Facebook immediately after the breakup. Last week we bumped into each other at a store by my house. I did not look at him, I did not speak to him, I kept my head looking straight down so as to not make any eye contact with him. Last week I did a name search of him on Facebook and a second Facebook profile for him came up. His profile picture was a picture I took of him. I was absolutely shocked to see this second Facebook profile. Am I reading too much into it? Do you think he is using that profile to look at my Facebook pictures? I miss this man terribly. The breakup came out of nowhere to me. We had been talking marriage, moving in together, Etc and then boom it was over. Do you think he is having second thoughts about The Break-Up? Please no mean or nasty responses. I'm dealing with a breakup just like the rest of us are. And I'm devastated. I still love this man. My guy friend said that if he had not made that profile to see me, he would have blocked me on it as well. What are your thoughts? TIA


I'm sorry you are going through such a tough time . Could be possibly have some old Facebook account just sitting there or is it definitely newly set up ? In any case the only way you can know if he is having second thoughts is if you speak with him . Even if he did look at your Facebook pictures it may mean he misses you but not necessarily that he wants to start the relationship again . Everyone here talks about strict no contact but if you are finding you are stuck and going no where then I would send a text and ask and if he doesn't reply you have your answer . It might be the kick you need to move forward with or without him . You know best though as to whether it would set you back in your recovery or not

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He created the profile the day after we broke up as the pics showed the date. I agree... he might miss me, but not want me back....

But another odd thing is he knows what time I go to work and the way I go to work. Recently, I've been passing him on the road on a very consistent basis and he stares right at me.... idk...

I will not reach out to him. If he wants to try again, he will need to put on his bug boy pants and contact me. Thanks for your response.

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He created the profile the day after we broke up as the pics showed the date. I agree... he might miss me, but not want me back....

But another odd thing is he knows what time I go to work and the way I go to work. Recently, I've been passing him on the road on a very consistent basis and he stares right at me.... idk...

I will not reach out to him. If he wants to try again, he will need to put on his bug boy pants and contact me. Thanks for your response.


You are best to make the decision whether to get in touch or not . If you are able to move on without knowing if these things mean anything or not then you are best not to contact him . I know you said the breakup came as a shock but you probably have more insight here as well to know if contacting him might make any difference or not

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I don't think the second profile means much, in and of itself. However, the fact that he's often showing up in your area and staring at you without saying anything is strange.


I think we need more context to speculate as to whether or not there is more to this: how long were you together, and what reason did he give for ending it?

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I think the 2nd profile means something, especially since I'm blocked on his original profile. Also, he used a pic i took of him to use as his cover photo....


We can't talk as we are passing each other in our vehicles. He's in my area when he knows I'll be driving to work or stopping at Sheetz for gas or whatever....

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I think he s been trying to get your attention with little stupid moves and make you reach out to him. I think this is pure ego. I dont know the reasons why you broke up, but if you are sure it was not your fault, just wait for him to act normally and approach you. Cause all these little moves make me believe that he is kind of a narcissist and wants to have everything his way. BE CAREFUL!! if he is like that... save yourself now that you are already out!

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