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Hi. I don't know exactly what to write so I'll just toss it all out there and make it quick.

My life is in shambles, I'm a very happy person and probably the sweetest person I know but it's getting harder to stay that way. I'm 19 now, I was in an abusive relationship for a year that resulted in me having a baby. My ex left right after the baby is born and is no longer my problem, I'm not worried about him anymore. My baby is wonderful he's a year now, smart as a whip and the funniest little clown. I have no job, my ex bullied me to quit high school, so no education, and no knowledge. My dad is suddenly getting violent and I can't live with my parents anymore. They told me they would support me and they let me stay at home with my baby for as long as I needed, so I waited and bonded with him and spent every minute with him and just signed up for jobs yesterday but now it's turning too late. I have no job, no place to go, I have one friend as my ex pushed everyone out of my life long ago and no one has interest in being friends me / friends again, I have social anxiety issues being pressed to be friendless with no one around but my ex, I have no car. No money. I'm trying to get my GED but failing as I have no way to get there or pay for it. No money for a babysitter, and I'm broken hearted I'm going to end up working so hard I'll never see my sweet boy anymore, and my parents never taught me anything about college, taxes, or being a grown up at all. They babied me, or were too lazy or busy to do it. My dad tossed me across the floor tonight because i made a joke that he doesn't do the dishes right and he took it too serious. I'm scared to live here, and I'm scared in general. I have NO idea what to do?

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Well, you have to find your local welfare/general assistance office and have them help you with money, daycare and housing. Since your father assaulted you, they might want to get you out of that house as quickly as possible. They will then help you make a plan and help with work and so forth. You will probably meet other young mothers in a similar situation and make some friends. Give it a try.

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I agree with the other posters that you need to call a local shelter or hotline so that you can move out.


Also, contact the local community colleges about your GED. They often have programs where the GED is free, and they often add 1-2 free college courses, too. Many colleges offer day care as well. I don't know where you live currently, but you might want to live somewhere more urban - public transportation will relieve the need for a car, you'll have more schools and jobs to choose from, you'll have more living options, and you'll have access to more assistance programs.


You must be terrified. I am so sorry you are going through this. You are doing exactly the right thing by reaching out and asking questions. There is tons of good advice on how money works (taxes, scholarships, grants, student loans), and on government programs for young single moms. And keep posting/asking here as you need. You can do this.

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