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He wanted to be on a break.


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So I am in a long distance relationship for like 2 years, he's an army officer. We have been going so great for like a year till he went for the training year, he'd come out for a few days every two weeks and we were sweetheart, he was the best guy ever, that was till last March when he told me that his parents wanted him to marry someone else and our relationship was going up and down and then that problem was solved, he never left me and he was staying by side telling me that he'll convince his parents and we'll be together. Then the problem of his parents was solved and till now i'm good friends with his family. At that time when things were not going fine and he was pressured and i was pressuring him too by crying over the phone and stuff like that, he cheated on me but it didnt last for a long time, just a week and it was online. He came to me crying that he wont do that again and i said at that time that we need a break, he kept contacting me through that break and we got together after three days and he treated me right. Since his parents approved and his army approved to marry a foreigner, he was really happy and he told me that now he is sure that he will marry me, so we had skype sex and he told me that he wont leave no matter what happened since i've been that intimate with him, and he was going fine till the day he finished the day. So that would make two years of the relationship. Now he is out from the army for like 5 days, i found that he has changed, there was something indifferent about him, he seemed depressed and he wanted to stay alone not talking to anyone, just smoking, i couldnt stay still or just give him space, i kept complaining and nagging, being angry over the phone when he talks to me, i wouldnt reply back or say anything because of anger, so three days ago i firedback at him telling him that he doesnt care about me and i expressed all my feelings to him, He didnt reply to what i said, then i told him to reply, he said that he doesnt feel what he used to feel for me, that he doesnt miss me nor that he wants to talk, he doesnt know where did that come from but he said that he isnt fighting anymore for that relationship, he said that we cant be together yet he wants us to be together. He added that he loves me and he doesnt love anyone else, but he needs a break in order to miss me and to feel the sweet feelings he used to have for me. He told me that he loved the old me that used to be proud to date, the ambitious, strong lady , he told me to base myself on me not a relationship. So i became angry and i kept arguing then i agreed on a break. I told him to delete my pictures but i didnt delete his pictures and he actually did that with saddness. Then a day after that when he saw me posting new things i'm doing, he reached me out and we kept laughing as if nothing happened, then he told me why didnt i delete his pictures, so i said you are still my sweatheart and i was angry thats why i said so, so he regreted what he did and he said that he misses seeing his eyecandy "my pictures", so i told me to show me how much he loves me so i can send him pictures of me and we had a nice day and video sex by the end of the day which he said that it was spiritually enlightening. And then i told him at night to call me, he said that he is too sleepy and he needs time still and the morning i argued with him, i didnt want the break, which pushed him away more. But he'd keep everyday sending me morning texts but he doesnt reply back when i reply. This night i texted him saying how are you, he replied with great and he didnt even ask back about me, then when i said to him not to be ruthless and he wouldnt treat a friend like that, he said arent we supposed to be on a break, so i said i feel like i'm your ex gf not your gf still, he said nope youre not my ex and then he said we'll talk later cause i'm watching a movie. It was wrong contacting him after declaring that break right? I do want him back still but i want to know how to bring him to me the right way. I dont want to break up with him. So any help please?

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I'm confused. Have you two even met in person? There's no talk of dating, just skyping, texting and phone calls. And are you in a different country? Internet dating is not real dating and leads to a lot of misunderstandings just like you're having. Have you guys actually slept together? Sex over the Internet is not real, it's a fantasy. Your story just sounds like two lonely people leading a lonely existence. If I'm wrong about this, then I apologize.


But it also sounds like you're trying to control his actions, using arguments and the threat of break ups to inflict emotional abuse on him to keep him on the hook. I can tell you that when I was dating, I never had long talks about our relationship. We knew where were in the relationship because we could see and touch each other. If you want to fill in some of the details, like your ages, what countries you're in, what your arguments are about, etc., the folks here may be able to help you better.

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OK. Nagging him. You were pushing him away with it. Why would someone want to put up with that? And you're both immature, looking for different things in a relationship. He wants a buddy and you want a husband. Plus there's no physical contact. He could just call you when he felt like it. You weren't actually there in person. Your next relationship has to be with a real flesh and blood boyfriend. And the worst thing you can do is say you're not seeing me enough. It's a deal breaker.

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