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Okay, so I'm not proud about this, but a few months ago I slept with a guy at my sister's wedding, a guy who I've known for over four years and almost had a relationship with a while back. I just thought it was gonna be a one time thing, then forgotten, but afterwards he started messaging me all the time and being really flirty, but now he's suddenly being illusive and distant. It doesn't help that we live about two hours apart from one another, but I just can't get a good sense of what he wants. I've even told him I like him, to which he has said I like you too but then moved on without really discussing it. Am I kidding myself thinking that things could work out between us and we could have a proper relationship? What do I need to do to find out for real if he sees anything?

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He is probably just as confused as you are....that's just what happens when you sleep with someone kinda random yet know eachoter...he probably is not sure to be a friend and pretend nothing happened....maybe if you flirted back with him, he would have pursued more....but if you were just like - "I totally don't remember what happened" he would probably just move on..that's at least what I would do...

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Why are you confused? You two boned and he sent you some flirty texts, whether for his own affirmation or to beat off. Now it's lost its luster. What indication are you getting that he is interested in anything else? Sure, he might even like you, but evidently not willing-to-drive-two-hours like you. To be honest, that's understandable.


I'd simply drop it.

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