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So stressed out It's making me ill.


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Right now I have a lot going on in my life. I've just recently (Febuary) started going out with my current boyfriend and although things are going well with him, his depression is slowly beginning to bring me down too. I have exams coming up next month and I'm so scared about my grades. If I don't do well my grandparents will be really angry with me! Especially since they suported me threw 4 years of college.


My Nan is having finantual problems to the point where we never know if we can aford to have dinner or not. Although I'm at my boyfriend's house a lot he lives with his brother and wants to move out. We never get any privacy and I don't get to spend much time with just me and my boyfriend because we often get invited out by friends.


We both want to move in together soon as we were talking about it before we were going out (I've been friends with my boyfriend for about 2 years). But my boyfriend's company is closing down in the next 2 months so he will be made redundant and has a hernia so can't lift anything (He thinks he won't get another job) and I just lost my part time job because they couldn't aford me anymore.


The stress is giving me migrains, brining up my exma, making me feel sick and making me worry about absolutly EVERYTHING!

I feel like I have no dirrection in my life. I'm scared of the future and I feel really lost...


I guess I am looking for some advice on everything really. Any surgestions would be useful. I speak to my boyfriend about everything but right now it's making it difficalt to bring things up..



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Okay, let's break it down. You say that your boyfriend is depressing you? I suggest he take some anti-depressants, if it's a condition. Also your worried about Exams? Then I suggest some studying. I know it can be tough to worry about grades, especially what the people who are paying your tuition might think, but just study and then you'll be able to relax. Then you want to move in with your boyfriend, right? Well if you both don't have jobs, as your boyfriend is about to lose his, then take your time to search for a new one. Don't be in a rush. Just take things one at time, and you'll be fine. Good luck! PM me if you want anymore advice!

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I already spoke to him about anti-depressents he said he doesn't need them. He just smokes lots of drugs which I don't like because I don't aprove of them. I'm studying art and I have been studying really hard but my teachers are making me stressed and I am worried about my grades. I want to get the best grades possible.

It's not that we are in a rush to move in together. It's just that we are in a rush to get out of the home situations that we are in. Nither of us have a very good time at home. Especially me as my grandparents allways put me down even though I have spoken to them about it.

We have a lot of money problems at home and I am looking for a part time job but haven't had any luck yet.

Thanks for your advice, but right now things just seem to get me down. I guess it is more of a vent for me to type it. Especially when I have an argument with my teacher for yelling at me for no decent reason. I'm probably just having a bad day today. But things worry me a lot.

Thanks again,


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