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Guys please help I need advice


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Soo it's been a week and couple days that my bf asked for a break because he is a nursing student at the college and so many thing happened to him that he felt overwhelmed so he said for this semester he is asking for a pause in the relationship even tho I asked and said is this a break or a breakup he said it was a break. The day he asked for the break he felt like throwing up and stuff then next day he avoided me. Since I cried the day he asked for the break. He said morning to me last Saturday and I said morning Sunday to him and he said how I was and I said I'm good how are u? We work at the same job so mostly Sunday it was job related talking other than that he hasn't texted me or anything. Soo his friend said that he hasn't been talking about me to them at all and he is acting like nothing happen? So idk I'm confused is that good or bad? And people keep saying that it's a breakup but should I believe my bf or people?? Help plz

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I would say this is a bad thing, from my experience, breaks have never lead to something good. One thing I can understand is the person wanting a day or 2 to themselves to distress, but not to completely cut you off or barely talk to you. If you truly care about someone, you don't take breaks, you stay w/them through thick and thin. I would say this is a break up, your bf is distancing himself from you and doesn't want conflict right now, so he will say anything to have you leave him alone. Don't let him getting away w/treating you poorly because of life stress.

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I would not assume that a guy is going up and talk much about his feelings with his buddies, not that his friends would be passing on the details to you. Even if he was feeling down, it's not likely they would tell you all about it.


Unless you two are actively working together to solve the problems, nothing will really change and the relationship won't survive it. The truth is that when someone really wants to be with you, they generally don't ask for breaks. I'm sorry, as I know this is hard.

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A break is literally the beginning of breakup and is often used as an easy way out of a relationship. If someone truly wants to be with you, they will not take a break from you because they are busy, stressed, or whatever.


I would assume that this is leading to an eventual breakup and would be preparing myself to move on.

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