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What do I do about FB photos and posts?


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Looking to hear what others do after a breakup...do I delete our FB photos and posts or just leave them and move on? We travelled a lot together and I have fond memories of the trips. We were together a few years.


I do not want to go back to the relationship. I am completely done. We ended awhile ago.


What about if I start a new relationship at some point- is it weird to have the photos and posts?


Note- many of the photos include other people too, friends and family.


How do others handle this??

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It's not really but it will bring up some awkward conversations if your trying to forget them or even the idea of being with them then i'd say get rid of the photo's. Personally i just remove them because i dislike the hole sad idea of no longer togetherness it brings with it.

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Think of it this way - if you delete those photos, are you deleting your actual memory of those events?


I delete all photos (although I no longer have FB) because 1: It looks like you’re still hanging on and 2: I’ve done it out of respect for my future girlfriend. I had some crazy adventures with my ex but she is completely wiped from my hard drive. The memories aren’t.


No disrespect meant but people place WAY WAY too much importance on Facebook stuff.. So you want to show off to Facebook that you were somewhere fun. Who really cares? And if your family is in it take other pics with your family.


Don’t overthink it.

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So I don't hurt their feelings I change the photo settings to "everyone except" and choose them only.


I have a couple of male friends who I dated a little and then broke up amicably, I didn't wish to offend them on the faceplonk thing so I limited the view for us (and to be honest they were happy memories) so I just have the photo's for us to see.


It's nice as it comes up annually as my facebook memories and makes me smile. -


I delete the exes and their photos if they have done me wrong... - it's like "Cut! you're out - Vamos!"

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Think of it this way - if you delete those photos, are you deleting your actual memory of those events?


I delete all photos (although I no longer have FB) because 1: It looks like you’re still hanging on and 2: I’ve done it out of respect for my future girlfriend. I had some crazy adventures with my ex but she is completely wiped from my hard drive. The memories aren’t.


No disrespect meant but people place WAY WAY too much importance on Facebook stuff.. So you want to show off to Facebook that you were somewhere fun. Who really cares? And if your family is in it take other pics with your family.


Don’t overthink it.


Granted I haven't had any super long term relationships, but I wipe everything off social media. I always felt very awkward when guys that I was dating, had pics of their exes on their social media, turns out they weren't over their exes in the 1st place. The ex is no longer part of your life, just have what is in your life now.

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Every person I’ve dated for good or ill was a part of my life. I let Facebook remain as a reflection of the time I posted things, and if someone wants to dig up the past by looking at old photos ok. I don’t untag or delete photos. I also don’t unfriend people. I have my ex on my Facebook as well as his mom and his sister. I’ve never had a really really awful breakup though. I still wouldn’t delete the photos, but I might delete an ex who was truly horrible.

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I'd delete them (pics... posts....tags.... Etc) if you have any doubt on them causing furture issues... Why risk it.


I always find it fishy when guys have exes on their fb...9/10 times it is because they aren't over them... Or they still play some sort of "friend" role in their lives...


I delete exes off fb and pics and such bc it isn't worth the chance I'd be taking to upset a future guy....


If you're truly over my ex... Why let them have any power over your furture relationships.



Just a thought

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I delete.


I also dated one ex in particular for a while, close to 8 years. We too had a couple significant travel experiences overseas together, with many photos on my FB as evidence! Once we broke up, I deleted the pics of us together, and left up the scenic shots and ones just of moi.


To be clear, I still have those old original digital photos saved on an external hard-drive somewhere. They're my personal memories. I just don't keep them on social media for everyone else to see.

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