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Break up :(


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Well my ex is texting me minimum! I feel like I bother her every time I text her. I had something good and I sabotaged it and really didn't mean too. I suffer from a variety of issues. Who messes with their own happiness to be more miserable . I over text her like a dumb ass! I was insecure and always needed reassurance. I also feel like a dumb ass because I do t know how to read the sights it's most likely over. I'm pretty upset because I'm a long time I never felt this way. I wasn't focused on my own happiness and she was part of it !

We. I'm in a homeless shelter still hoping things work out.

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I did the same thing when he was at the threshold of breaking up with me. It's okay, you over texted her. If they would have been at our side probably they would have been doing the same.

But now, just listen to me. It's okay, you've made mistakes, you're human, nobody is perfect in this world. However, you must now stop texting her, stop texting her until she texts you. Feel the pain of loss and learn out of it instead of making more mistakes and feel miserable.

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I did the same thing when he was at the threshold of breaking up with me. It's okay, you over texted her. If they would have been at our side probably they would have been doing the same.

But now, just listen to me. It's okay, you've made mistakes, you're human, nobody is perfect in this world. However, you must now stop texting her, stop texting her until she texts you. Feel the pain of loss and learn out of it instead of making more mistakes and feel miserable.


This is by far the best reply!!

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