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Some confusion


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I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, but Admins, feel free to relocate it if it isn't.


My best friend and I fooled around a few weeks ago, she doesnt let me kiss her, but lets me do everything else aside from actually having sex with her. We have been hanging out every chance we get, but lately she has been getting really weird about things, such as telling me not to touch her because she doesnt know where my hands have been, or being mean like spraying perfume in my eyes at Walmart and then laughing about it, telling me I hate her because I wont buy her candy, or pretending shes mad at me. We used to talk a lot and now the only time we really talk is when she asks me if we can hang out for the night or not.

I have feelings for her that are slowly dwindling down because of how she treats me, but I almost wonder if shes doing this because I am moving soon.

I have been told by a mutual friend that she talks about me a lot, and that if she didnt like me then she wouldn't let me fool around with her.

Should I tell her how I feel about her? I really just want to grab her and kiss her, but its hard to do such a thing when I am scared about pushing her away.

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It could be that she is trying to make you mad so you will leave her since you are going to leave her anyway when you move. Therefore you look like the bad person for leaving her. Very passive aggressive behaviour. She does seem rather odd since she won't let you kiss her but lets you do other things with her. Is she worried about the cleanliness of your hands? Have you washed them in front of her? I think she's got some issues going on.

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We have been hanging out every chance we get, but lately she has been getting really weird about things, such as telling me not to touch her because she doesnt know where my hands have been, or being mean like spraying perfume in my eyes at Walmart and then laughing about it, telling me I hate her because I wont buy her candy, or pretending shes mad at me.


Based on her actions (above), which seem extremely childish, I would ask myself if this is worth my time and effort. JMO...

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