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She left me because she thinks I'm dumb


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I have been in relationship with this girl and moved to her country 3 months ago and lately things are going pretty bad and she is seeking for a breakup. She gets angry over the smallest things.. for instance, I fell asleep in the evening and didn't answer her calls or messages for 4 hours and she ignored me for 3 days. She called me a liar for suddenly ignoring her and I got frustrated and told her she can contact my roommate and I did something stupid.. I showed her my google map activities to show her I never left the house and stayed in my room, I guess this was a really cringe move from my side and I behaved in a similar way before. She gets mad if I don't fill her water when we eat in restaurants and starts ignoring me for 2-3 days. Due to this behaviour, she calls me dumb f**k, stupid and she feels pathetic she has a dumb idiotic boyfriend even though I'm doing master's degree with scholarship.


She blames me for causing all the drama but I feel like I'm just struggling to show I care. She told me not to talk to her again. What should I do? I have told her if her life is better without me, I would not bother her. I still love her but I can't be myself around her even because I feel she is very judgemental. I haven't had much experience with relationships so I've started to feel I'm dumb and I've started to feel worthless (maybe I need to work on improving my self-esteem more).

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She's abusive and has trashed your self esteem. Don't go back to her, you were NOT in the wrong. She has issues and that's why she vents all this unnecessary anger onto you. I don't know why you tolerated it in the past, but definitely, going forward NEVER ever allow anyone to treat you like this again. Block her and move on. She's toxic.

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Thank you for the replies everyone. Despite this, I have been tried to contact her.. through mail asking her whether she would be interested in talking and why she is ignoring me. She said I'm annoying her. I now realise its time to stop talking to her. However, I still want to let her know how much she hurt me, how much she blackmailed me by emotionally abusing me all the time.. I want to tell her this even though this might end any slight chance of being with her again. I think I'll her.

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