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Makeup artist wants me as a model- is this legit?


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Hello all! I don't know who to ask about this, so I am hoping that the ENA community can help me out like they have so many times before!


About a month ago I was shopping at a grocery store when a young woman complimented my hair. We started talking and she said that she is a makeup artist trying to get her color certification (I think that's how she worded it) and she needs models for her portfolio. She wanted to meet up with me to do my makeup and take photos to put in her portfolio. She said it wouldn't cost anything and I would get a $15 gift certificate to thank me for my time. I gave her my phone number, thinking it would be nice to help her out.


She has called me 4 times over the past month+ and today I finally called her back and booked an appointment for this upcoming Monday. She told me roughly where in town her office is at, and said she will text me the address. She also said I am welcome to bring some of my girlfriends and they can also get pampered and get a gift certificate.


Now I am getting paranoid. I genuinely want to help this young lady if she needs the help, especially since it won't cost me anything. But I am nervous about going to meet with a stranger, especially since I have no female friends in town to bring with me. Should I drag my husband along or just cancel with her? She has been nothing but kind and courteous whenever we have talked, but I am overthinking this and worrying that I will get kidnapped and sold into sex slavery or something! I'm hoping I'm just crazy, I simply have never heard of this sort of thing happening before so I have nothing to go off of to make a decision.

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I’ve done photo shoots as the photographer and worked with makeup artists (and other photogs) who needed models for their portfolio. They have to get their experience somewhere! I think it’s legit.


Bring your husband - I’m sure he’ll love to see you doing modeling work! And even if it happens to be less than legit - he’ll be there.


If it would help you feel better - ask what school she’s with and what a typical shoot is like. If she’s genuinely trying to get a certification she will answer whatever questions you have.

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Look her up. If she has a website, etc, or she works at a local salon, etc. or a school recognizes her its easy to check out. Reverse google her office address. I would not worry about being a hair or makeup model, particularly if you are going to the school or salon to meet her. It involves no disrobing. Where you have to worry is for "modeling" opportunities where they ask you to meet at a motel, the person doesn't check out, etc.

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