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Boyfriend my have gotten someone else pregnanto


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My boyfriend currently of 3 years and i took a break for about 2 months in april of this year. We got back together in july . During the time we were broken up he slept with someone else and about a week later she was pregnant . He just told me he had slept with someone else a few days ago, both him and her are denying it is his . From what i have been told she had slept with about 6 other people at that time and also has a boyfriend of her own which is likey why she is denying that it is my boyfriends baby. We have a child together who turned 1 in september of this year. I know i cant really be mad at him for sleeping with someone since we were not together at the time but for him to lie about this for months is completely different . I wanted to try and make our relationship work but that was before i knew there was a chance that he could have gotten her pregnant . Which i will not know for sure until the baby is born next year. I am lost as to what i should do ? Any advice?

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Thing is i found out months after so i had no knowledge so both of us will need to be tested. Hoping for the best. By" he just told me he slept with someone else a few days ago " i meant He told me about it 2 days ago

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Not much you can do. I mean think about it, there's literally nothing you can do besides walk away. You broke up, it's unfortunate he decided to bone chicks without a rubber, but you decided to take him back... it's now your cross to bear. It sucks, a lot, but it's a choice. Either stand by it or walk away. All this demanding he be honest and stressing isn't going to change the fact that he possibly made a child. Just don't be like those new girlfriends on the Maury show embarrassing themselves please.

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They slept together, and one week later, she already knew she was pregnant? I think it's far more likely that she was already pregnant when they had sex, unless they're not being honest about the timeline. Anything is possible, but it sounds a little fishy.


All you can do is wait until the baby can have a DNA test. Are you prepared to stay if it is his? Are you able to wait that long to find out?

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When we got back together i had no knowledge of it at all until this week literally . But i do know what you mean , also i believe i wont be able to stay if it is his, till then we will co-parent. Sorry i have no clue how to reply to comments

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also i believe i wont be able to stay if it is his, till then we will co-parent.


Even if it is his and you chose not to stay, you will still co-parent the child you have with him. I am confused by this statement.

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