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What kind of...

"...does she likes me ?" kind of treads.

Duh ! What a question ! I see too many here.

I'm living something terrible, similar though nothing that obvious and I am looking for clues, tricks and hopes, a way to get out of my troubles in reading these posts yet its just like if everytime I would see those, the answer would be too clear to me compared to my problem.


Bit sorry this tread is leading nowhere hehe but it made me reflect a lot on my case and I leave the possibility to add any comment on my critic (and for those who are curious, the chance to ask me to know my story).

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Well - the only way you'll ever know for sure is to ask her out. (And that goes for everyone, including the "Duh!" threads.) Obviously, we're just a bunch of strangers on the internet, and no one can tell you one way or another, for sure. Only the love interest can.


And, at least if she says 'no,' you have your answer and you can move on to someone who does like you back, instead of spending hours and hours wracking your brain (the way you would in an advanced chemistry class) trying to figure out the answer.

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My brain don't follow my emotions. Or I should say: my emotions don't listen to my brain. I've studied her more than anywhat; for every second I had a chance to lead my sight on her. Every particularities I found of her re-enforced my feelings and made me glance at her more often which came to become a vicious cercle yet it was against my will, at the point where I told myself: "Wait, you're putting too much energy in it !". Well, if it was possible to become true without faillure, I would put my life on it. A reason I try to avoid this illness is because I feel I have not much to inspire in her. I don't have self-confidence as high as she does, I presume. I should work on this before anything else but I do not, drifted by uncontrolled emotions. One day, I overheard that she had a boyfriend. I'm not sure at all since I didn't hear something as clear as "I got a boyfriend". However, it is as clear as the first time I saw her that I still am under this crush even after thinking she probably got another guy in her life. It sounds like it doesn't matter at all for me to keep being interested in her. Lastly, I've heard that woman had a "6th sense" for that kind of attraction. Noticing her activity, it's like if she would have known and she doens't seem to appreciate. Now if she freaked out there's nothing I can do more.


In other words, I feel harassed... by her. I think it won't be better at going toward her since I would then get mad at myself for playing this game like a fool kid (and failling like a kid !) so instead I try to repulse my thoughts. And repulsing is a huge word in this case. It doesn't happen that way: the obsession just doesn't increase.

She's leaving the school right after graduation. I feel like "YES!" at the same time as "SHOOT!". Of course I go like "shoot" before the "yes" since emotions are quicker than good reflections but... it's weird anyway.

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Hmmm... you sound like a character out of a Dostoyvseky (sp?) novel! LOL!


Stop overthinking things. Women don't all have some magical 6th sense! Go talk to her - get to know her. I think if you sit around waiting on this or that, you will miss your chance. As you said, she will be graduating soon....

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Correction: Dostoevsky (Pretty close

You're talking about a chance that I have; what kind of chance ? what is it ?

Urmh you are missing a good point of the diagnostic. I never entered in a conversation with her.

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  • 6 months later...

Notice the delay between the posts.


This is intensively hard to deal with for one thing: you're into it.

To try to get out of the situation is almost impossible in these cases. Yes, to work out on a solution like if you weren't concerned is mush easier to think about the best to do.

Only with experience can someone get better at dealing with these emotions. (obviously, experience is a key for everything)


I hope that it opens new thoughts for some people.

Yes, experiment freely. Yes, fake your love for someone for experience without regrets.

Once you feel you're experienced enough, only then should you consider forming a couple seriously. Finally, there is no age to be ready.

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