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kinda strange....kinda bothered


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alright well i met this girl when i was in my senior year of high school (about 2 years ago) and we hit it off and became great friends. Eventually I developed a crush on her (naturally). Well anyway I played it down and didnt ever let it be known to her. Sometimes I would think she liked me too and other times not, but now I look back and I'm almost positive she did.


Anyway I graduated so i didnt see her much because she was still in school (2 years younger than me) but i still talked to her online...when i would see her and the occasional phone call. Then I moved away to goto school so i didnt see her much...shes topped calling adn whatnot and we just kinda drifted apart. I heard she had found a boyfriend so I decided thta I had to get over her and I did. Months went by not seeing her, talkign to her anything. I had pretty much forgot about her until one night I was out and saw her and she ran up to me a gave me a big hug and said how she missed me and such but suprisingly enough to me no feelings I had for her came back. We chatted parted ways againa nd thatw as that.


Shes been online a few times sicne and we had the usual small talk...nothign liek we used to anyway the alst time i talked to her was maybe 3 months ago or more. Once again she had been forgotten.


But in the last week everything I had ever thought of her came flooding back to me and I have no idea why. It is almost like I am beating myself up because I realize that I probably did have my shot and I completely blew it. It seems to be getting worse because last night I had a crazy dream where she was in it and everything and I don't know what to think.


why is this happening now?

i have been under a lot of stress lately and i dont really have many friends. I dont know if thats why all of this is happening or what but its really starting to bother me.


any ideas on what i should do to stop it? or what to do in general?

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There coming back now, because of what could have happened. It is as you said, you feel you blew a chance to be with this girl. Yet, just keep doing what you've been doing, and that is moving on. If she has someone now, then there is no point in trying to win her over. And as you said, the two of you barely talk to each other now, so there isn't much contact there. Just remain friends, and you'll be fine. Good luck!

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