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Apology text from an ex after 6 months of NC


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I got an apology text from an ex after 6 months of breakup. Should i respond or just leave it be?

We were extremely serious and were seeing future together while in a relationship. We've had arguments and one day, in an argument i said that he's not being true to me and that we should stop all this. He got offended and said i didn't trust him all along.

I regretted saying it and apologised a lot of times the next day and called to apologise which he didn't answer. So all the blame was put on me for not trusting him and i lived in regrets for months. We've had no contact since that day. I was friends with him on every social media but i deleted him from most of the apps after 2 months. Now after more than 6 months, he has texted that he is sorry for the way he acted and that his ego got the best of him. Should i respond, now that i have nothing against him and i am trying to move on in my life? Also, i don't want him back now.

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I got an apology text from an ex after 6 months of breakup. Should i respond or just leave it be?

We were extremely serious and were seeing future together while in a relationship. We've had arguments and one day, in an argument i said that he's not being true to me and that we should stop all this. He got offended and said i didn't trust him all along.

I regretted saying it and apologised a lot of times the next day and called to apologise which he didn't answer. So all the blame was put on me for not trusting him and i lived in regrets for months. We've had no contact since that day. I was friends with him on every social media but i deleted him from most of the apps after 2 months. Now after more than 6 months, he has texted that he is sorry for the way he acted and that his ego got the best of him. Should i respond, now that i have nothing against him and i am trying to move on in my life? Also, i don't want him back now.

Move on. Don't reply to him. He probably tried elsewhere and now he is just lonely.
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I got an apology text from an ex after 6 months of breakup. Should i respond or just leave it be?

We were extremely serious and were seeing future together while in a relationship. We've had arguments and one day, in an argument i said that he's not being true to me and that we should stop all this. He got offended and said i didn't trust him all along.

I regretted saying it and apologised a lot of times the next day and called to apologise which he didn't answer. So all the blame was put on me for not trusting him and i lived in regrets for months. We've had no contact since that day. I was friends with him on every social media but i deleted him from most of the apps after 2 months. Now after more than 6 months, he has texted that he is sorry for the way he acted and that his ego got the best of him. Should i respond, now that i have nothing against him and i am trying to move on in my life? Also, i don't want him back now.


It was cruel of him to put all the blame on you and you had to live with such regret whereas in reality there was probably other factors causing the split . If it isn't going to upset you I would reply as I think ignoring anyone is as cruel as he his . Although all I would say is thanks for your apology . It doesn't matter now as I've moved on. He may have genuine regret so if it's going to put him out of his misery you accepting his apology then I would be the bigger person and give him that . If in any way this sets you back on your road to recovery then I wouldn't reply but from your message it looks like you have moved on

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I wouldn't reply. You said some things you regretted, and you tried to reach out to apologize, but his childish ego wouldn't hear of it. Now, he wants to soothe his ego and have you tell him it was all ok. This will alleviate him from being the bad guy.


And yes, I agree with above, that he's probably tried to date elsewhere, and now he's found himself alone and lonely.

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I am not sure about all these predictions about what HE's tried and failed. Surely that's not relevant; the OP says she doesn't want him back so that's all that matters.


She may choose to be "the bigger guy" and reply accepting his apology but politely & firmly rejecting any further contact. And then go NC regardless of further messages.

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Don't reply! We make mistakes and at times end up saying things which we weren't suppose to. But it's okay, people fight in a relationship, it's natural. This is for sure that being in a relationship we definitely don't want to hurt each other.

You have had apologised many a times to him. You did your job. You had already tried hard to save the relationship, but he was firm on feeding his ego.

So now, chuck it. Just don't care about anything to reply. Protect your dignity, peace of mind and sanity.

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I'm going to go against the flow and say ABSOLUTELY REPLY


He's reaching out and saying he's sorry and apologizing for his behavior. What do you have to lose by replying?


Even if you don't want him back, there's no harm done in saying "it's okay, we both needed this to happen, etc. etc. etc."


There's absolutely no reason NOT to reply, especially if you have no feelings left. Be the bigger person in this case and don't go for the angry/bitter root.


Although with this said, don't accept breadcrumbs and "maybe we can get back together, but not really" kind of thing.


Stay true to your feelings and what's best for you. You'll know what that is. You have nothing to lose by replying and acknowledge the apology.

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I agree with Rustysuit^, simply acknowledge his apology and wish him the best.


Don't engage further.


I don't get this trend of "ignoring" people, so rude and disrespectful.


Do you like being ignored? I doubt it, it's a horrible feeling.


There is no reason for it unless they're acting psycho.


Do unto others and all that.

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Hi! Thanks for taking out time to reply. Yeah..i feel i should reply that i have nothing against him now and that he should leave what's left behind and focus on his present. For i feel one shouldn't go through what i did. It's not that i don't have feelings for him now. I still do feel for him. It's just that my family tried really hard and helped me get out of the mess that i had been in. I gave up on life when he left. I did. But now things are getting better..and i don't want my family's efforts go in vain.

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I'm going to go against the flow and say ABSOLUTELY REPLY


He's reaching out and saying he's sorry and apologizing for his behavior. What do you have to lose by replying?


Even if you don't want him back, there's no harm done in saying "it's okay, we both needed this to happen, etc. etc. etc."


There's absolutely no reason NOT to reply, especially if you have no feelings left. Be the bigger person in this case and don't go for the angry/bitter root.


Although with this said, don't accept breadcrumbs and "maybe we can get back together, but not really" kind of thing.


Stay true to your feelings and what's best for you. You'll know what that is. You have nothing to lose by replying and acknowledge the apology.


Hi! Thanks for taking out time to reply. Yeah..i feel i should reply that i have nothing against him now and that he should leave what's left behind and focus on his present. For i feel one shouldn't go through what i did. It's not that i don't have feelings for him now. I still do feel for him. It's just that my family tried really hard and helped me get out of the mess that i had been in. I gave up on life when he left. I did. But now things are getting better..and i don't want my family's efforts go in vain.

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If you don't want him back, there's no reason at all to answer!


Uh, well, yes, i don't want him back. I am sure of that. But his apology text seemed genuine. He wrote that it was shallow of him to have acted the way he did. And apologised for all the wrong. He even wrote that he knows he might not get reply to his message and has been regretting alot.

Would it still be ok if i don't respond?

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Hi! Would it be ok if i reply like this>

"I have nothing against you now. Leave what's left behind and focus on your NOW. Wish you well!"

Would that^ convey the right meaning that i don't want maintain any contact with him further?


No please don't write that.


All he did was apologize, which was a nice thing to do.


You have no idea if he wants to get back together, or what he wants, if anything, so writing that would be presumptuous.


If it were me, I would send this.


"Thank you. No hard feelings, best of luck to you, take care."


IF you still cared, you could engage more, get a convo going in an effort to discuss it more, but you don't.


So something short acknowledging the apology, and that's it.

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My ex did something like this...


i replied, nothing big, and then moved on..


come to find out from one of her friends, my ex isnt loving the single life as


much as she thought and regrets breaking up with me.


but i dont have any interests in dating her at this point or maybe even ever again.

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