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How do I get my crush to notice me more when I'm shy?


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I really like this guy in my college class. But the problem is we have so many kids in our class (Like 300) so we don't really see each other. We have only talked like 3 times but the second time we talked it was amazing... like I felt this connection with him and now I want to talk to him more. The last time he saw me, he smiled and said hi and we kinda had a short chat before he left. I was so honored that he remembered me. He also never asked for my name and I don't know his name... I don't know if he would be interested in me but I like him. What do I do? Also I usually end up sitting with my friend but I wanna make an excuse to say something so I can find him to talk to him more. But I'm shy and scared I'll make a fool of myself

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The next time you talk to him, tell him you're getting a smoothie or coffee after class and ask him if he'd like to join you. At that point, if he says, yes, you can tell him your name. It's always best to take a risk, even if you fail. You can't keep yourself locked in a safe bubble. That's no way to live.

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