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I told my ex not to contact me anymore... Is this a good thing?

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My player ex boyfriend and I were "friends" for a few months after our breakup. We flirted around and he wanted to get back together again (but only wanted sex from what I could tell) And I said maybe in the future... But then I met a decent guy in college and started to like him so I told my ex politely to not contact me anymore in respect to that. He asked me for nudes again out of the blue too a few days ago which is another reason why I told him to stop contacting me. He thanked me for being honest and wished me happiness with the new guy. I think it's the best decision I made because I made a mistake of sending nudes to him in the past and now I can finally let go and be with a decent guy... What do you think?

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First of all, NEVER send nudes to anyone, ever -- they can post them anywhere and ruin your life digitally . Second, your ex is a real slime ball -- all he wants is sex and nudes and has no respect for you as a person. Why on earth would you question whether you did the right thing? What you did wrong was "ask" him to not contact you -- stop giving him all the power.

BLOCK him and do not respond to him in any way should he get through. You might want to ask yourself why you would even worry about dumping such a loser.

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hi, i agree with arjumand. you need to block this loser. let him get his thrills elsewhere.

if you re read this post in a few months time you'll wonder why you wrote it in the first place.

concentrate on being happy for yourself and forget all about this pervert loser.

good luck

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It's a bit too late now since I did already send him nudes when we dated but I know it was a mistake because he isn't a good guy. Thankfully, my face was not 100% in those pictures and I can't be identified for sure since I was careful when doing it. And I did block him in case he were to ever try to jump into my life again when I'm aiming to be with someone else at the moment. But the reason why I told him to stop contacting me is because I didn't want to end things in a way where I had to ignore him without reason. I wanted to cut off ties with him in a mature and polite way DESPITE the fact he's not a good guy. Thanks for the answer

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It's a bit too late now since I did already send him nudes when we dated but I know it was a mistake because he isn't a good guy. Thankfully, my face was not 100% in those pictures and I can't be identified for sure since I was careful when doing it. And I did block him in case he were to ever try to jump into my life again when I'm aiming to be with someone else at the moment. But the reason why I told him to stop contacting me is because I didn't want to end things in a way where I had to ignore him without reason. I wanted to cut off ties with him in a mature and polite way DESPITE the fact he's not a good guy. Thanks for the answer


You dont owe this guy anything. The mature way to cut contact is what ever you need to do IMO. You dont have to give him any kind of reason. Just stop messaging me and block..


then focus on the new guy.

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