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Heartbroken.. Seeking advice to help me move on?


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Ok I have managed to survive the evening without texting her. But still, there are some many things I would like to tell her, so many songs to share... I can barely handle not contacting her, I am so used to texting throughout the day and spending weekends together. Actually the weekends are the worst, both evenings and mornings...


Question to you girls - if you were the dumper, would you wait for dumpee to contact you and let you know that he is open to reconciliation or would you prefer to have space and contact him once you make your made?


Give her space, if you begin to act desperate is going to get worse for you.. Show some self respect.. Thats the same for women and men.. Let her miss you.. Im sorry you are living this hell.. I was dumped as well 5 weeks ago, and for me it was the same, weekends are the worse, we were always together over the weekends.. Just be strong and remember you are not alone You must begin to love yourself and think about yourself, I know easier said than done, but its the best

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Leave her alone. Start no contact right away. It is INCREDIBLY hard, but you MUST do it if there is a chance to get her back. We are all going through the same. I struggle every day to stop from calling him (you can read my desperation in my posts), but he did start to reach out to me. Keep coming here when you feel weak or feel the heart wrenching urge to call/text her! We are all supporting each other to be strong. Good luck! We are for you. ❤️

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Ok I have managed to survive the evening without texting her. But still, there are some many things I would like to tell her, so many songs to share... I can barely handle not contacting her, I am so used to texting throughout the day and spending weekends together. Actually the weekends are the worst, both evenings and mornings...


Question to you girls - if you were the dumper, would you wait for dumpee to contact you and let you know that he is open to reconciliation or would you prefer to have space and contact him once you make your made?


Do you think it would make a difference if you told her those things? I would give her space. If she wants to contact you, then tell her those things. But give her some time to miss you...

Weekends are hard. For me weekends were the only time I saw my guy. We live about 2 hours apart. We had our weekends planned MONTHS in advanced. It's really hard but you have to push thru it. No easy way around it. Keep yourself busy. Go for a walk, go see a movie, take yourself out to eat. I have a ton going on this weekend and I'm so thankful because last weekend was a pity party weekend. But it gave me a lot of time to think and thinking back now, I wish I would have made myself get out and do more instead of wasting time away crying over someone who obviously doesn't give a rats butt about me... Stay strong. Come here and type to us instead of her.

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Ok I have managed to survive the evening without texting her. But still, there are some many things I would like to tell her, so many songs to share... I can barely handle not contacting her, I am so used to texting throughout the day and spending weekends together. Actually the weekends are the worst, both evenings and mornings...


Question to you girls - if you were the dumper, would you wait for dumpee to contact you and let you know that he is open to reconciliation or would you prefer to have space and contact him once you make your made?


And read my tough love post...

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Update on my situation... 2 days ago, in the middle of the night I got a FB message from my ex again, saying "How can I live when I want to die?? Lolol sry just a joke"

I was quite troubled and didn't know what to do, I kept my replies short, and told her I couldn't help her, and think she should talk to a professional. She replied "Awesome. Thanks. Goodnight", I didn't reply. After which I got more messages containing things like "I know you want to talk to me too" and what not.


She is a mess and has been drinking daily to numb the pain regarding our break up, and it's not the first time she expressed how she can not be, feels like the scum of the earth etc. I'm not sure how to feel about this, whether this is a play on my sympathy, or something else, cause she also says things like this when I bring up working it out sometimes... she says she can't promise anything right now, that she is not a whole person, that this should be the time of her life but she is broken etc. In a way I'm starting to believe her.


It seems like things are shifting and she was the one pleading for my attention and sending multiple messages cycling between appologizing for bothering me, and sending things like "Ooh you should be sleeping right now" after I cut our convo short and told her I was going to sleep, when I was just scrolling through facebook. This is well and good but it didn't contain anything about us being together, it is more like now that she feels like crap she is crawling back to me for emotional support. The next morning she sent an appology and told me it won't happen again. We had a 40 min call today, she said how good it was to hear my voice etc, and we just talked about random , she did agree to a date somewhere next month. But at the end I showed weakness again and told her how sad I was about things and that she knows why, and how I felt, and she didn't say anything, only that she understood and she felt sad too.


So after that talk, a few hours later I texted her saying I had some questions that concerned me about what we are doing when we are back in touch like this, about where she stands, and immediately she was distant again, took a long time to reply to messages, going offline before reading it etc, and then asked if I wanted to talk, and if so, she'd let me know when she is ready, no indication of when or anything. I said yes, but after 10 minutes, I told her I was going to a friend in the meantime, when I was at the friend, things were nice and we had fun, so I texted her that tonight isn't going to work, and that we could have that talk tomorrow.


I notice my feelings are becoming too attached again though, I am starting to care too much again, and without any commitment or decision or clarity from her on whether we are together or not, I am really scared whether I am being used, or whether I am played for a fool, like she wants the break up but without the pain, so she can use me while moving on?


I want to have a talk about where this is going and stuff, but I also don't want to show her I care too much? I feel like she is only coming back because my feelings are unclear to her at this point, and secretly, I enjoy giving her a taste of her own medicine as bad as it sounds. TBH I'm quite nervous about the talk tomorrow, I actually regret showing her weakness, maybe I can still fix it and make it about something redundant tomorrow, and just be cool, but I really don't know how I'm going to play this atm.


I know the most important part in reattracting an ex is creating attraction and you can only do that by being unclear, and unavailable, but it is the opposite of what my feelings are telling me to do, to keep sending messages, telling her how much I miss her etc. I just wish we didn't have to play these games though. Meh.

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It's been a week since he ghosted on me. During that week i've texted him that i'm flying off soon and that he take care, i was texting with the pretext that we're gonna go slow as friends since that was what he wanted.


I don't understand why is he ghosting on me and I kept crying. I so wanted to text him and call out on his behaviour, that ghosting is just uncool (esp after dating each other for 5 months), and that he is being really immature in handling this situation. I really want to let him know that I'm standing up for myself but my friends told me the best strategy is NC. I want to text him and let him feel guilty about doing this to someone like me. I've been nothing but soft hearted and genuine throughout our friendship/dating period, he is way too mean. Here comes the waterworks now...

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It's interesting to read all of these experiences. I'm sorry for the pain everyone is suffering. Each breakup and experience is so different and unique. I truly feel for everyone. Those of you in contact with your exes are going through such a different experience. I'm sure it is very difficult to move on when they are still contacting you.


I still cry every day. Our memories are everywhere, but the pain is starting to dull a little. I no longer wake up surprised that he hasn't texted. Our goodbye was so final. I want to move on. I wish he could recognize our love and appreciate what we have, but I know he's never coming back. It's like he died. I do not look forward to the day I see a picture of him with someone else. I know that he is probably already on tinder and he was talking to his ex before we even broke up. I must move on.


I went on a date last weekend and that was way too soon. The date went well, but the guy wasn't my ex and I really wasn't ready. I can clearly see the things I learned from my relationship that I want in a future partner and I know I need some time to heal before it's fair to honestly put myself fully into dating again. I don't have time or energy for casual dating. However, in browsing I started chatting with this guy who appeared perfect. He lives in the state that ex had convinced me to move to to raise our future children. We had really nice conversational flow and moved things to text. We are both open to travel and a crush/long-distance romance is kind of what I need right now. He suddenly stopped responding and I'm bummed I hadn't put too much into it, but it was a welcome distraction from my heartache. A bit of hope that cheered me up and made me think that other men might be out there.

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Update on my situation... 2 days ago, in the middle of the night I got a FB message from my ex again, saying "How can I live when I want to die?? Lolol sry just a joke"

I was quite troubled and didn't know what to do, I kept my replies short, and told her I couldn't help her, and think she should talk to a professional. She replied "Awesome. Thanks. Goodnight", I didn't reply. After which I got more messages containing things like "I know you want to talk to me too" and what not.


She is a mess and has been drinking daily to numb the pain regarding our break up, and it's not the first time she expressed how she can not be, feels like the scum of the earth etc. I'm not sure how to feel about this, whether this is a play on my sympathy, or something else, cause she also says things like this when I bring up working it out sometimes... she says she can't promise anything right now, that she is not a whole person, that this should be the time of her life but she is broken etc. In a way I'm starting to believe her.


It seems like things are shifting and she was the one pleading for my attention and sending multiple messages cycling between appologizing for bothering me, and sending things like "Ooh you should be sleeping right now" after I cut our convo short and told her I was going to sleep, when I was just scrolling through facebook. This is well and good but it didn't contain anything about us being together, it is more like now that she feels like crap she is crawling back to me for emotional support. The next morning she sent an appology and told me it won't happen again. We had a 40 min call today, she said how good it was to hear my voice etc, and we just talked about random , she did agree to a date somewhere next month. But at the end I showed weakness again and told her how sad I was about things and that she knows why, and how I felt, and she didn't say anything, only that she understood and she felt sad too.


So after that talk, a few hours later I texted her saying I had some questions that concerned me about what we are doing when we are back in touch like this, about where she stands, and immediately she was distant again, took a long time to reply to messages, going offline before reading it etc, and then asked if I wanted to talk, and if so, she'd let me know when she is ready, no indication of when or anything. I said yes, but after 10 minutes, I told her I was going to a friend in the meantime, when I was at the friend, things were nice and we had fun, so I texted her that tonight isn't going to work, and that we could have that talk tomorrow.


I notice my feelings are becoming too attached again though, I am starting to care too much again, and without any commitment or decision or clarity from her on whether we are together or not, I am really scared whether I am being used, or whether I am played for a fool, like she wants the break up but without the pain, so she can use me while moving on?


I want to have a talk about where this is going and stuff, but I also don't want to show her I care too much? I feel like she is only coming back because my feelings are unclear to her at this point, and secretly, I enjoy giving her a taste of her own medicine as bad as it sounds. TBH I'm quite nervous about the talk tomorrow, I actually regret showing her weakness, maybe I can still fix it and make it about something redundant tomorrow, and just be cool, but I really don't know how I'm going to play this atm.


I know the most important part in reattracting an ex is creating attraction and you can only do that by being unclear, and unavailable, but it is the opposite of what my feelings are telling me to do, to keep sending messages, telling her how much I miss her etc. I just wish we didn't have to play these games though. Meh.


Im so sorry to see you hurting, but in reality I think your exgf is being a toxic influence on you, you were depressed as I was, and believe me the first that you must do is think about yourself and only yourself.. I would recommend to ask your exgf to take her distance because her "hot-cold" attitude is hurting you. If she broke up with you, she decided to renounce to you, so now you are giving her all the peaks of a relationship but without the commitment that you want.. You just dulling her guilt, but at what cost? At yourself.. I did the same with my exbf, just to make him realize or better learn to finally valuate me, if not anyway this time is perfect to heal.. Ask her for a NC period (1month at least) so she and you can work things separately.. To tell you the truth, the fact that she is telling you that she is drinking to numb the pain is a big red flag, you cannot help her with this issue, she must search for professional help, and maybe she is trying to victimize herself and manipulate you.. I have seen this type of behaviour on my exbfs exgf.. Its just like she is trying to control you, and just going to sabotage any recovery made by yourself.. Its just petty and mean, and believe me is not healthy for you either. Look my exbf and I had a very nice relationship and then she came back, with texting and calling, and the worst is that he let her do this to us, destroying something beautiful, before this he was happy and carefree, but as soon as she enters the picture his doubts come back and he just need to be free from that vicious circle, its a pity and at the same time a third was very hurt, thats not love, that is selfishness as simple as that.. Dont let your exgf do the same to you.. My advice.. Take some distance to heal yourself, because you are the nr one. I did the same with my exbf, asked him to NC for at least a couple of months, I know this is extremely difficult but is the best so we can heal and he can sort his out.. Good luck, you are a very nice guy and deserve better

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It's been a week since he ghosted on me. During that week i've texted him that i'm flying off soon and that he take care, i was texting with the pretext that we're gonna go slow as friends since that was what he wanted.


I don't understand why is he ghosting on me and I kept crying. I so wanted to text him and call out on his behaviour, that ghosting is just uncool (esp after dating each other for 5 months), and that he is being really immature in handling this situation. I really want to let him know that I'm standing up for myself but my friends told me the best strategy is NC. I want to text him and let him feel guilty about doing this to someone like me. I've been nothing but soft hearted and genuine throughout our friendship/dating period, he is way too mean. Here comes the waterworks now...


I don't know your story, but I am so sorry that you are going through this. It's very hard when someone you care about ghosts you. Do whatever you need to do to heal. For many people that means going NC. For some people the best closure is to get things off their chest and closing the book on their terms. However, don't text him thinking that what you will say will make him feel guilty. If he has ghosted you after 5 months then he should already feel guilty. If ghosting is the method he has taken then he is cowardly. If you text him then it should be for you.

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It's been a week since he ghosted on me. During that week i've texted him that i'm flying off soon and that he take care, i was texting with the pretext that we're gonna go slow as friends since that was what he wanted.


I don't understand why is he ghosting on me and I kept crying. I so wanted to text him and call out on his behaviour, that ghosting is just uncool (esp after dating each other for 5 months), and that he is being really immature in handling this situation. I really want to let him know that I'm standing up for myself but my friends told me the best strategy is NC. I want to text him and let him feel guilty about doing this to someone like me. I've been nothing but soft hearted and genuine throughout our friendship/dating period, he is way too mean. Here comes the waterworks now...


I ghosted someone when I was 12 years old, pretty awful and I was ghosted last year by my exbf just like you were.. At least after one week he contacted me and didnt want to talk to me until I have told him that I was going to his house, then he called me and talked our issues. I have him swear to me, never ever do that again, because it can cause really hurt. He kept his promise and when we broke up was in person.. About you, I understand that horrible pain of being ghosted, and that was a very coward thing to do, but sadly there are some jerks outside that are so weak to do this to someone who clearly doesnt deserve it.. Its normal you are crying, but those type of persons just dont deserve anything.. Just believe me that what comes around goes around. Do not contact him anymore, you are just losing your time, the only exception, and that was why I forgave my exbf: If he is battling depression, thus this is not an excuse to act like a jerk, but at least he can give you some sympathy.. But you just cannot be like a kid and toss someone away.. IT is just plain mean.. You deserve better, just take your time to heal.. Thats all

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It's interesting to read all of these experiences. I'm sorry for the pain everyone is suffering. Each breakup and experience is so different and unique. I truly feel for everyone. Those of you in contact with your exes are going through such a different experience. I'm sure it is very difficult to move on when they are still contacting you.


I still cry every day. Our memories are everywhere, but the pain is starting to dull a little. I no longer wake up surprised that he hasn't texted. Our goodbye was so final. I want to move on. I wish he could recognize our love and appreciate what we have, but I know he's never coming back. It's like he died. I do not look forward to the day I see a picture of him with someone else. I know that he is probably already on tinder and he was talking to his ex before we even broke up. I must move on.


I went on a date last weekend and that was way too soon. The date went well, but the guy wasn't my ex and I really wasn't ready. I can clearly see the things I learned from my relationship that I want in a future partner and I know I need some time to heal before it's fair to honestly put myself fully into dating again. I don't have time or energy for casual dating. However, in browsing I started chatting with this guy who appeared perfect. He lives in the state that ex had convinced me to move to to raise our future children. We had really nice conversational flow and moved things to text. We are both open to travel and a crush/long-distance romance is kind of what I need right now. He suddenly stopped responding and I'm bummed I hadn't put too much into it, but it was a welcome distraction from my heartache. A bit of hope that cheered me up and made me think that other men might be out there.


I understand you, He broke up with me 5 weeks ago, we went on strict NC 2 weeks ago, and it still hurts so much, and Im still crying..I tried to date someone 3 weeks ago and it was just very early, at the end I just wanted to go, because I began to cry, the same with online dating, I just want my exbf and no one else.. IT could be LeoDicaprio or whoever would come, I want my ex.. What a stupid way of thinking, but that means we are not ready.. Im just concentrating on myself, as should you.. And why not, find another online date, it cannot hurt, if its distracts you, and make you feel desirable.. Im sadly not that great for chatting, but trying later for sure.. It just get better, my pain is still there, but as you describe is dulling Good luck!

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I understand you, He broke up with me 5 weeks ago, we went on strict NC 2 weeks ago, and it still hurts so much, and Im still crying..I tried to date someone 3 weeks ago and it was just very early, at the end I just wanted to go, because I began to cry, the same with online dating, I just want my exbf and no one else.. IT could be LeoDicaprio or whoever would come, I want my ex.. What a stupid way of thinking, but that means we are not ready.. Im just concentrating on myself, as should you.. And why not, find another online date, it cannot hurt, if its distracts you, and make you feel desirable.. Im sadly not that great for chatting, but trying later for sure.. It just get better, my pain is still there, but as you describe is dulling Good luck!


I don't want to burn through good men when I'm not in the right headspace. Right now very few men are interesting me. My ex was truly unique and we were a very special couple. I just am not finding many men with the qualities I am looking for locally. On the rare occasion that I find someone even slightly interesting, I don't want to waste them by dating them while I am not ready.


I was actually quite interested in this out-of-state guy I started chatting with. On paper, he had a lot of the positive characteristics of my ex and had some of the things my ex was lacking. Also, he wasn't down the street so it seemed a bit safer because it didn't involve a date this weekend. I need a change right now so I'm willing to travel and even to move which was why I was browsing that particular location in the first place. Obviously, I just started talking with him so I know nothing real about him and he could be married or an axe murderer. I am actually disappointed that he has disappeared.

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Hi guys, sorry but I'm breaking down again. I thought I've cried enough and I'm honestly emotionally tired. There were times I was positive and even thought how silly I was to be harping on someone who cheated on my emotions and my sincerity, only to be ghosted after things became too intimate between us. He has left me hanging, no goodbyes or whatsoever.


I'm in so much pain now and I know only time will heal, but this is so painful. I cried and felt really silly about this, I've been trying to distract myself but after awhile the emotions come running back to me. Any words of enouragement or some support will be helpful, cos i'm really breaking down

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Hi guys, sorry but I'm breaking down again. I thought I've cried enough and I'm honestly emotionally tired. There were times I was positive and even thought how silly I was to be harping on someone who cheated on my emotions and my sincerity, only to be ghosted after things became too intimate between us. He has left me hanging, no goodbyes or whatsoever.


I'm in so much pain now and I know only time will heal, but this is so painful. I cried and felt really silly about this, I've been trying to distract myself but after awhile the emotions come running back to me. Any words of enouragement or some support will be helpful, cos i'm really breaking down


Let yourself grieve. It's still fairly new for you. I was crying all day every day for nearly 2 weeks... Week 3 it got better... I'm starting week 4 and it's even better. So give yourself some time. I still have my moments but I am so much stronger than I was 2 weeks ago. You can get thru this. Do some deep breathing. Take a walk. Try to clear your head.


When a song comes on the radio that reminds me of him, I turn the station. When I see something on social media that reminds me of him, I close my eyes and scroll part of shut it off. Have you deleted him from everything? That is also helping. I was going back reading all of our text, looking at pictures, stalking his social media. Get rid of it all if you haven't already. You can and will get thru this!!!

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Im so sorry to see you hurting, but in reality I think your exgf is being a toxic influence on you, you were depressed as I was, and believe me the first that you must do is think about yourself and only yourself.. I would recommend to ask your exgf to take her distance because her "hot-cold" attitude is hurting you. If she broke up with you, she decided to renounce to you, so now you are giving her all the peaks of a relationship but without the commitment that you want.. You just dulling her guilt, but at what cost? At yourself.. I did the same with my exbf, just to make him realize or better learn to finally valuate me, if not anyway this time is perfect to heal.. Ask her for a NC period (1month at least) so she and you can work things separately.. To tell you the truth, the fact that she is telling you that she is drinking to numb the pain is a big red flag, you cannot help her with this issue, she must search for professional help, and maybe she is trying to victimize herself and manipulate you.. I have seen this type of behaviour on my exbfs exgf.. Its just like she is trying to control you, and just going to sabotage any recovery made by yourself.. Its just petty and mean, and believe me is not healthy for you either. Look my exbf and I had a very nice relationship and then she came back, with texting and calling, and the worst is that he let her do this to us, destroying something beautiful, before this he was happy and carefree, but as soon as she enters the picture his doubts come back and he just need to be free from that vicious circle, its a pity and at the same time a third was very hurt, thats not love, that is selfishness as simple as that.. Dont let your exgf do the same to you.. My advice.. Take some distance to heal yourself, because you are the nr one. I did the same with my exbf, asked him to NC for at least a couple of months, I know this is extremely difficult but is the best so we can heal and he can sort his out.. Good luck, you are a very nice guy and deserve better


Yeah she gave me a lot of red flags, your absolutely right, needed that slap in the face... I'll pull back again.

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Thank you for the replies. Instead of writing how I miss her etc I wanted simply to write something neutral, to re-establish communication and see where it goes from there. But it looks like I will have to maintain NC. Today is the 14th day and with every day it is harder. The fact that it is raining whole day does not help either.


Regarding grieving - just like Helpmesavethis has written - allow yourself to do it, do not bottle it up. I am 30 year old guy, but every few days I am just running away from everything and start to cry reminding the good days. It gets better for some time afterwards.

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Thank you for the replies. Instead of writing how I miss her etc I wanted simply to write something neutral, to re-establish communication and see where it goes from there. But it looks like I will have to maintain NC. Today is the 14th day and with every day it is harder. The fact that it is raining whole day does not help either.


Regarding grieving - just like Helpmesavethis has written - allow yourself to do it, do not bottle it up. I am 30 year old guy, but every few days I am just running away from everything and start to cry reminding the good days. It gets better for some time afterwards.


Crying is healing. You are a strong man by admitting that you cry, I applaude you and admire you.

I've been literally struggling with NC (and I considered myself a very strong person with a lot of willpower... Imagine that. LoL). So, don't feel like you are alone by any means.

We'll ALL get through this. We WILL survive. Take it one day at a time. Sometimes just one hour at the time is enough. There is a lot of suffering, but one day you'll find yourself that you were able to think about something else for 20 minutes, than you'll get back to square (as I did yesterday) and the next day you'll feel a bit stronger again, maybe for 30 min.

It's hard, but we must walk through this fire. There is no other way around it. But of one thing we can be sure, time WILL pass and this will remain only a bad memory... and -hopefully- a great lesson!

Stay strong. ❤️

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Good afternoon my dear friends,

Thank you all for your support and wise suggestions. You are precious.

I know I'm behind with my responses/messages, but I'm trying to stay a bit away from the phone today and enjoy this wonderful sunny day.

Life is good at the moment, I've got to hold on to it as long as I can!!!

I will get back to all of you soon, I promise. You are all in my thoughts.

Stay strong.

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Hey all. I've had a GREAT day today. Yes, he's been on my mind but I've been super busy so not near as much... Guess what else.... I was able to be asked about him and explain what happened without CRYING!!! Yay me!!! Huge progress from the last few weeks... We can all get thru this. You have to stay strong and you have to keep NC!!!

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Another new day!!! Lots for me to do again today and for that I am very thankful. Unfortunately he's still on my mind by I know with time it will fade.... Hope everyone has a good day. I'll check back in later.


Hello! I'm glad you are feeling better.

Thank you for your post on tough love. I was in a really bad spot that day, but yesterday was good. Today I'm a bit less enthusiastic than yesterday, but not bad after all. I'll also have a pretty busy day.

He keeps giving me breadcrumbs, but I'm starting to see them for what they are. (You can see the update on my thread).

I don't know what the hell goes through his mind, I'm frankly starting to care a bit less about his little attempts. I mean, I still think about him every second, but I'm not as lost as I was before.

What a journey...

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Great to hear that you are making this.


I went for a walk and all the places near my home reminded me of her and again I am one step from texting I am so happy that this weekend is coming to an end.


DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!

Please, please, stay here in the forum. Write the text you urge to send her to us instead. Get it out of your system in that way, but DO NOT send it to her!

Someone else had to do the same for me only a few days ago and I'm SO grateful they did! The day after I would have regret it.

Keep in mind that it will only push her further away. I know how difficult it is. It's a drug. Resist! Keep strong! ❤️

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Thank you

I am aware that I cannot say to her anything about how I feel and what I am going through. I miss our discussions, good morning/good night texts and other small stuff, which made things perfect. If I were feeling as bad as now due to any other circumstances, she would be the first person to know this and to comfort me. The fact that I am stubborn does not help in moving on.


I just want to write to her something neutral, about a movie she recommended or ask how her nephew's 1st birthday party was. Just to start talking again.

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