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Anxiety with a situation at work


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Hello all, I'll try to keep it short and to the point....


End of the day today, I get off work, speak with the gf and hop in the car to leave. The place I work has an awkward and sometimes busy parking lot. Anyway, I go to leave and another lady that works for the same company (we dont know each other, but do see each other) is getting ready to leave as well. So we end up at something similar to a three way intersection...with me headed north, and her trying to also go north from the east (my right side)


Side note: This woman is more on the quiet side. She only speaks to a handful of people. The times I've seen her in the hallway, she avoids any eye contact and says nothing. Which is fine.




We get to the intersection, I gesture politely that she could go...she just gets angry and says things I obviously cannot hear. I say fine, I try to go....and she does too. Now, she begins going borderline berzerk and gives me this over the top attitude before just sitting there. I eventually just go, and that's it.


Now, this is a common thing that happens. People get to the intersection at the same time, and it causes confusion with some. Even though the woman was probably saying some outlandish things, it was a miscommunication. I was telling a friend, when I get to work tomorrow, and if I see her...I was gonna tell her how I had no intentions to inconvenience her nor come off rude in anyway. Let her know there is no tension on my end.


I know in a situation like that, she had the right of way as she was to my right, but I want to know what would you guys and gals do in this situation? Should I leave it be and drop it? Or should I confront her and clear the air?

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