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Ok so there's this girl. I've had feelings for her for the last 2 years. About a month and a half ago she broke up with her bf and we started hanging out. We got really close, like we hung out everyday for 2 weeks straight, she even stayed the night with me twice. But then she got back together with her bf after 2 weeks. We continued to hangout after that and she barely hung out with her bf, and when we hung out it felt like we were dating or building towards something. Even after one time we hung out she told me she after hanging out that day it made her question her relationship with her bf. So I told her to talk to her bf to figure out what they were going to do because she was emotionally cheating on him. She ended up talking to him and she told me him and her didn't know what they were going to do because she was going to leave for college soon so she told me to move on. I tired to but she continued to ask me to hangout. I visited her on campus 3 times in her first week on campus,while her bf hadn't visited once. So on my third visit I told her how I felt. I told her how her bf doesn't respect her, how I'd treat her right, that she knows it would b a good thing if we got together etc. she told me the only reason she didn't want to break up with her bf was because of how long they've been together and she didn't want to ruin her reputation with his family (which I told her was bs reasons to stay in a relationship). But at the end of what I told her, her answer was still the same. We hangout sometimes but it's only around her schedule and now she barely responds to my messages but when she does it makes it feel like she still wants us to be something, she barely hangs out with her bf. But when she hangs out with other people I get really jealous and I overthink anything that she's doing. All in all I just want advice on what to do because idk if I should try and stay or just move on.

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Oh move on mate ... all those women out there and you are stuck in this situation .


Quite often things like this happen because another person ( you on this occasion) fills the gap that the relationship isn't giving . You give her attention , go to see her , I imagine from your tone that you are good guy who makes her feels good ....but the love is with her boyfriend ...you have been a *gap filler* so to speak .


Her reasons for staying with him are BS , she is staying because she wants to , that is her choice .


To add to this she did tell you to move on ...listen to her ......when the person you want tells you to move on ......then move on and go and enjoy life .

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Well, she's at college now, and I'm guessing she's meeting all sorts of new people, so she has less time for you. Since you were only an emotional friend, there's plenty of people at school who can fulfill that role there. I hate to break it to you, but you should move along and find somebody of your own.

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