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Adderall my savior

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I was doing so badly in school just weeks ago and then my friend (drug dealer) gave me adderall xr. I had to do something everything just was terrible i couldnt focus and was distracted easily and no desire for school work in general. Now that ive been taking it all my teachers notice a huge difference everyone thinks i dont work to potential the truth is i never could. Now that i take this routinely everything is great im getting the results i deserved. The only problem is it feels to bad to commit a felony every week. I also now think its possible i have ADD! My parents refuse to except that i have add as they have tested me when i was very young grades 2 5 and 8. Since my parents would refuse to put me on drugs to help me because they think im capable as it is even though im not what can i do? Am i gonna have to be a felon till 18?

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I will just say this:




Prescriptions drugs are not meant to be played with, they can seriously harm you if you are not suitable for it, or counteract with other things, or have long and short term damage.


I think you should see a doctor about your inability to focus, or something like that, but do NOT take drugs that are normally prescription drugs when you do not even know if you should be taking it.

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Im very careful with it. He has a perscription and my friend she also has a perscription so i get them free. Yeah sometimes on it i dont feel happy and some times i do. i use to never feel even normal before it like everyday was a real drag. Now knowing that it makes work better for me i feel good about each new day

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Just ask you're parents to take you to the doctor and leave them in the waiting room. If you don't usually and just talk to you're doctor. They might be able to do something to help you. You seem old enough to make choices for you're self make now you just need to make sure that they are the right ones. Until then stay out of trouble.

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My son was on that for a while, and his work improved, but he would get into fights, one time he ran into the street after a ball...be careful, ok!!


Concerta is another drug that is similar to adderall, but is more of an antidepressant. That one might be good for you too.

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Hi streetraycerboy,


You really should see a doctor. Adderall is a fast acting drug and its effects are immediate and as you have noticed there is rapid improvement.


But the drug does have potential sideaffects, most relevent to you are potential growth inihibition and impotence. As it is an amphetamine there is also strong potential that you will develop a dependence on the drug. The drug can also affect motor skills.


That the drug has improved certain conditions for you which is I suppose a good thing. But it is important that this drug is taken at the minimal doseages to achieve this effect. It is also important that you have a medical check to ensure you are not a person at risk by taking this drug (hypertension etc). Only a doctor can advise you on these issues.


I don't know how old you are or what age you can legally see a doctor without your parents consent but either make your parents understand your situation or go and see a doctor and make him/her make your parents understand.

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Myself being a pharmacy major, soon to be pharmacist, i couldnt agree more with the people who have posted earlier. Adderall is prescribed for a certain condition, and is strictly dosed and directed. If you dont take that drug exactly as directed by a healthcare professional, there will be risks involved. Just to let you know, these types of drugs are NOT those that you can just take as you feel like, when needed, it must be continued for a certain period of time, and if you are going to go off it, the dose must be tapered down gradually, and i will explain the reasons in the next paragraph.

Lastcynic couldnt have put it any better than i could, she covered just about every topic you should be aware of. First of all, what you THINK of how to take adderall (the XR version) and how its working in your body, are all wrong. I wont tell you the correct way otherwise id be soliciting your usage of it. It can become very addictive, and i can almost guarantee you, not to scare you, but only to warn you, that if you were to stop taking adderall now, you might even feel worse on a day to day basis from here on forward as compared to before you even started taking it, because you're not treating a specifically diagnosed condition, but instead causing an excessive stimulation in your nervous system by a foreign substance, and then when your body doesnt have it, it forgets how to function on a normal basis. Hence, dependance and addiction. You think prescriptions drugs and street drugs are different? Think again. Morphine and Codeine differ from cocaine by the reversal of one methyl group bond, just to give you an example. Street drugs arent harmful, until you abuse them. Now these are only POSSIBLE risks, but that alone should be enough to say the drug isnt safe to be playing around with, it is a schedule II control drug for a reason, very high abuse potential. Be careful.

Even concerta/ritalin/methylphenidate, althought non-amphetamine, which usually leads to less CNS side effects, but still side effects are tremendously present in these class of drugs, are very high for abuse potential. Also, like lastcynic said, if you're caught with amphetamine in your possession or it comes up in your blood, and you dont have a legal prescription to back it up, you will be held liable as possession of a controlled substance.

Your parents say what they say because theyre in denial, as i have dealt with and seen in many parents, who are afraid to see and be told the reality of their child possibly having a medical condition.

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Alright i see what you are all saying. only one question remains. I do not have any health problems/conditions known so if people perscribed can take it on a daily school rutine shouldnt i be able to without dying. I just don't understand how i would die from it. 15 mg 5 days each year for the school year does not seem like a large risk...Im just still confused on how i would die

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