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Hi all. Looking for some opinions. Heres some background.. Weve been together 3 years and have been living together for 2 years in his house. He has horrible trust issues but we have had a great time together. His mom broke his heart by divorcing his dad and taking everything after 35 years of marriage. And his last gf of 3 years broke up with him at the same time and got married to another guy shortly after. I know his is afraid to trust and doesnt think relationships last.


This happen once last spring- he said he didnt know if he loved me so i agree i would get an apartment so he could have space. Well the apts i found he didnt like so he said i should stay and we could figure it out. Well it happened again a year later so i decided the only option was to move out. We have been apart almost 3 months and i will be getting the last of my stuff in a couple weeks. All this time it seemed like he loved me...


He just keeps saying he isnt happy w himself and doesnt like how he treats me. To me if hes not happy w himself then he will never be happy even in a relationship. I think this time to himself will help him- i really hope he deals with his problems.


Im just looking for opinions what to do? If i love him let him go? Has anybody had similar situations?

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Here you have the answer Millrun.


"To me if hes not happy w himself then he will never be happy even in a relationship. I think this time to himself will help him- i really hope he deals with his problems."


He may, or not (some people live in denial about their problems), seek professional help to overcome his trust issues and the rest.


Meantime, you deserve better than living on a cliff edge with the will-he/won't he type.

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