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Depressed Because of fathers health


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My dad is disabled and i love him lots but i am afraid he may pass away in the next few days,weeks,months or even next one or 2 years. He could go at any time and i get very upset over it. Any Suggestions on helping me or him with it would be very well appreciated.

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okay well i don't know much about that well my grandfather past but we were not close he he he but all i cna say is him and u should do like really fun things and spend as much time to gether before the time come s u no can he walk if so tell him to be crazy cuz u know he may not get another chance to do fun stuff with u

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Be as nice as you possibly can be to him. Make all efforts to be the best in school, and at home. Be kind and considerate. Know that the end will come whether you are ready or not, so it is better to be good and kind, so the last memories of him will be the most positive.

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Keep up a good attitude, death is something that shouldn't be feared of & is a part of nature. Do what you always wanted to do with him but didn't have time to in the past. Understand that he can get moody or feel down as well, but you need to stay strong for him as well. If you're crying in front of him, that won't be helpful b/c that in return will make him feel bad as well. Just enjoy the time together while he's still around!

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When my dad was dying, I spent as much time as possible with him to make sure I'd have no regrets when he was gone.


I found people who had lost their fathers and talked to them, if they were willing. It helped to see people who had gone through what I had gone through and somehow made it through.


My friends were great. Sometimes, I was so upset that I couldn't be alone, and they helped me.


My dad also hung on for a long time, and sometimes it was torture to not know whether we had a week, or a year left with him.


I don't know if you're on LiveJournal or not, but there's a community called imissmydad that helped me a lot. link removed


Good luck and hang in there. It gets better.

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Since my dad is in a similar predicament, my advice is to realize he is NOT DEAD yet. Like you said he could live for another 2 years, and in fact any of us could die tomorrow. So enjoy the time you have together. I know it's hard to put it out of your mind but believe me it's better if you do for them and for you.


My dad has already outlived the doctors predictions for his life expectancy. There are new advances in health daily and there are always alternative remedies that he could try if he so desires. I don't know what the specific problem your dad has, but my best advice is to enjoy him while he's here and save the grieving for when he's gone (as much as possible).

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