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me and my boyfriend of a year jsut broke up about a month ago but became completely offical last night. does anyone ahve any poems or such of feeling alone and deserted? no so much about what he did to me or the ill always love him and stuff. but more so alone in the world i wish i was dead kinda stuff. i jsut feel really crappy right now and i need to read things so i know as to what im feeling is "normal" and that others have the same feelings. -thanks

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Being broken up with is a hard thing to deal with. You have lost your support system. Often, we feel as if we have lost our best friend and will never feel the same way again. You know what? If this person was your best friend, why would they hurt you? Also, there are alot of people out there just itching to meet you. You are not alone here...it's hard, painful and crushing. Many of us here at enotalone found this site because we were hurting. Welcome to a wonderful support system. You truly are not alone in your hurt. We have all felt it...but we have all gotten over it together. Reach out to friends and family, to the people you trust. You had your own life before the relationship, and you will have it again. Remember what it was like before your sig. other? You didn't know that person and that person meant nothing to you. Now you have to return to living your own life again. Hard, hurtful, but possible and achievable. We're here for you.

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