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Sex 2 days after period ended followed by MA pill... chances of pregnancy?


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So first off, yes I know that a woman can get pregnant at any time during her cycle, but am I right in thinking it's not all that likely at this stage?


Me and my girlfriend recently had unprotected sex about 2 days after her period ended (so around day 7 of her cycle I think)


I read this on the NHS website which reassures me a little:


Can I get pregnant just after my period has finished?


Yes, although it is not very likely. If you have sex without using contraception, you can conceive (get pregnant) at any time during your menstrual cycle, even during, or just after, your period.


You can also get pregnant if you have never had a period before, during your first period, or after the first time you have sex. There is no "safe" time of the month, when you can have sex without contraception and not risk becoming pregnant. However, there are times in your menstrual cycle when you are at your most fertile, and this is when you are most likely to conceive.


Aswell as this, we got a morning after pill later that day and she took it around 12 hours after we had sex. But of course these pills can fail every now and then


I'd like to think that considering the circumstances, it would be pretty unlikely that she'll get pregnant and so we don't need to worry too much... but if anyone could offer any thoughts that would be appreciated

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Depends on how regular her cycle is. Most women ovulate on the 14th day of their cycle (so mid cycle) and there is a window where sperm can live yes, but I think right after period normally doesn't happen unless she has an irregular cycle..

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I don't know what site you're looking at, but it's not true that a woman can get pregnant at any time in her "cycle." While I'm sure you can find unusual examples, it takes more than two days after a woman's period finishes to rebuild her womb and get ready for ovulation. If your girlfriend is "regular" having a period every 28 days, it would be impossible to get pregnant on day 7. The egg "drops" so to speak on day 14. She can get pregnant on days 9-14 to varying degrees. The pregnancy rate is as follows:


Day 8 - 0%

Day 9 - 10%

Day 10 - 16%

Day 11 - 14%

Day 12 - 27%

Day 13 - 31%

Day 14 - 33%

Day 15 - 0%


(this is on a 28-day cycle)


The problem is we don't know exactly when ovulation occurs. And we only know it happened after a period starts. To be safe and not cut it too close, the general advice is no unprotected sex from day 8 - 19. That tries to take into account a woman being early or late. But a woman is only fertile for a few days. Sperm can last 5 days, you can do the math. Teens tend to be the most fertile, as high as 86% fertility rate, but by age 45, women have only an 5% chance of getting pregnant even when trying to get pregnant.


So you both should do more research about the whole period-fertility cycle so you're not panicking needlessly. If you use condoms or your girlfriend uses The Pill, then those are sort of no-brainers.

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She took the morning after pill well within the time limit of 72 hours. I'd say her chances of being pregnant are next to nil.

Get yourselves to a planned parenthood clinic or her regular doctor for birth control pills or the patch. The morning after pill will likely wreck havoc on her period schedule for a while so you don't want to be relying on that method as a habit

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I don't know what site you're looking at, but it's not true that a woman can get pregnant at any time in her "cycle." While I'm sure you can find unusual examples, it takes more than two days after a woman's period finishes to rebuild her womb and get ready for ovulation. If your girlfriend is "regular" having a period every 28 days, it would be impossible to get pregnant on day 7. The egg "drops" so to speak on day 14. She can get pregnant on days 9-14 to varying degrees. The pregnancy rate is as follows:


Day 8 - 0%

Day 9 - 10%

Day 10 - 16%

Day 11 - 14%

Day 12 - 27%

Day 13 - 31%

Day 14 - 33%

Day 15 - 0%


(this is on a 28-day cycle)


Thanks... I've not seen those percentages before however after searching on Google I found other stats that look similar (e.g. ~15% to ~30% around days 11–14).


However it seems that most search results bring up pages stating that women can get pregnant on any day (including the NHS website which I imagine is a reliable source)... but none of those sites appear to give an actual percentage or state just how likely it is.


So I'm hoping that, with the fact we used a MAP, there is only around a 0.75% to ~3% chance that she will be pregnant... if thats the case I can relax a little I think

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Thanks... I've not seen those percentages before however after searching on Google I found other stats that look similar (e.g. ~15% to ~30% around days 11–14).


However it seems that most search results bring up pages stating that women can get pregnant on any day (including the NHS website which I imagine is a reliable source)... but none of those sites appear to give an actual percentage or state just how likely it is.


So I'm hoping that, with the fact we used a MAP, there is only around a 0.75% to ~3% chance that she will be pregnant... if thats the case I can relax a little I think


By the scientific community, this fertility theory has been debunked. There are too many variables to account for, which leads to unpredictibility at such a precise level (what you're asking for). I am personally familiar with it and, believe me, if you follow it...plan on being a dad. Use protection and pray for the outcome you desire.

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I am curious if you want to be a dad soon.


That's the only explanation I can think of for having unprotected sex in this day and age of readily available birth control. I mean, condoms cost how much? $5? Whereas 18 years of supporting a child will cost much, much more.


I presume if fatherhood isn't your goal, you'll use protection from now on.

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Thanks... I've not seen those percentages before however after searching on Google I found other stats that look similar (e.g. ~15% to ~30% around days 11–14).


However it seems that most search results bring up pages stating that women can get pregnant on any day (including the NHS website which I imagine is a reliable source)... but none of those sites appear to give an actual percentage or state just how likely it is.


So I'm hoping that, with the fact we used a MAP, there is only around a 0.75% to ~3% chance that she will be pregnant... if thats the case I can relax a little I think


Are you wondering if she could be pregnant now or: Are you trying to figure out when you can have sex with her without a condom. She took the morning after pill within the specified time period so she's not pregnant.


Get yourself settled on the form of birth control she will be comfortable with (the pill, an IUD, the BC patch) and don't be foolish. You'd do well to wear rubbers even when she's on all of those so you get accustomed to wearing them at every session. (no matter what partner you're with). You're evidently not ready to be a father.

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