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Having mutual friends with an ex and living in a small town.

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My ex and I share a lot of mutual friends. I met him on a dating site and it turned out his best friends and him went to school with 2 of my close friends. I think we probably had over 50 mutual "friends" on Facebook too. After the break up I deleted Facebook and blocked him on other sites etc. I'm trying to get myself through this and heal slowly but surely.


I feel on edge constantly around my friends as they are obviously able to see my exes life updates online. I feel embarrassed and paranoid that they will know when he moves on and what he is up to as I'm still struggling to cope.


I'm scared he will always be in my life one way or another. I can avoid the odd party here and there but in the future when friends get married etc he will be there. I can't hide forever but I feel like I have to!


I feel I can't move on and heal knowing my friends know what he is up to. But I don't want to avoid my friends as I miss them and the loneliness isn't good for me either..


people knowing my business makes me so uncomfortable (ironic seeing as I'm sharing this publicly online). If a friend asks me how I'm doing or if I've heard from my ex I get so jumpy and paranoid as to why they are asking, as if they know something I don't. I have asked friends not to tell me anything about him but I feel like if I turn to them and say "I'm so sad and struggling to cope" they'll think "yeah well he's moving on anyway cos I've seen proof online".


I don't know what to do. I'm struggling so much to heal.

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