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which is more real love?


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Im just wondering what others think?


My first love was incredible, this deep intense love, i could never imagine being without him BUT it was complicated and hard, he hurt me like no tomorrow, he was too cool and often left em in the dark with where we stood etc......


anyways it took me over a yr to get over him n never have i felt that kind of emotion again,


now what im wondering is this..........is love ever as intense as your first love was?


and secondly, what is better n more so real love............the guy u feel so intensely about and have EVERYTHING in common with, hes ur dream guy even by looks wise, or the guy who is always there for you, who u adore like no other but it isnt as INTENSE, but u love him all the same, the guy who rubs ur back when sick, n supports u n who u support back, the guy who never leaves u in the dark etc.........


see i love the second guy with all my heart truly n deeply, but it just isnt that PASSION i once had........


any thoughts

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Honestly I believe that your second love can be even better than your first... I know first hand. My first boyfriend I was naive about, I thought I loved him... and I did at the time... But we grew apart..through complications like distance and just personality wise... Now I found someone new someone amazing and..sometimes I wonder what it would like with that other person...and I know it would've never worked out. \


If you are with someone right now that you love...and especially cares for you the same way you care for him...I think that you have something special... image your life without this person? would you be crushed?? if you answer yes... you do have a passion to be with him...because you can't picture your life without him. Don't be stuck in a past that you can't change... Dont' mess things up with the one you have cause you never know if you can ever get it back if it does end....


Good luck

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First loves are very special because its the first time you love someone and have all those emotions and feelings.Thats why they're all so special and noone easily forgets their first love.But it doesnt mean they're more intense or better than the others.I think you learn with time and experience.My first love was probably at 16,I thought I'd never be without him and we'd get married and all,but it didnt work that way.I was too young and too naive,and he was too young too and when you are young you can easily confuse your feelings.And when we broke up I thought I'd never feel that way about someone again! I know now that I wouldnt marry him if we'd still together,because what I feel for my present bf is more than what I felt for anyone else before and I know that this is real.Sure,my first love was special cause of the way he made me feel and because he was the first love of my life but it was not better than my present one.

The thing is,when you meet someone that you feel so comfortable with and have all these feelings of love,passion,caring and when the other person feels the same way towards you,then its a relationship that can work and have a future.If you dont feel that way about your bf or you feel like something is missing in the relationship then it might be you dont really love him.If you feel you loved your ex bf more but he hurt you,then why keep thinking about it? you broke up,end of the story.If you were really meant to be together you wouldnt have broken up,dont you think? It does not matter how much you loved him.Its no good to dwell on the past.What matters is that you find someone that you can love again and that can love you.

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Im not thnking about my exin that way.......i have NO intrest in EVER reconciling with him, i walked away then and have never looked back.........what i was asking is do u ever feel like that again? it was such an amazing deep love i had for my ex, i had butterlfies n all..........


with my new bf i guess ive matured, ive had another bf inbetween my ex and this guy and i guess ive learnt alot.......its just i LOVE my bf i truly do BUT it isnt as intense, it isnt all fire n burning passion, it is a passion that i adore him n he completes me but it isnt like omg deep love...


i gues smy ex was more infatuation...........but i recently met a guy who like my ex is my dream guy in the way that he has all the same intrests ( my bf and i dont as much) dresses way i love etc etc n it just got me thinking...if i was with him would it be all intense etc or is it that if i was with him, it would b like my ex and not work out.......


i gues smy bf is real cos it does work, we love and respedct each other , even if i dont have those masisve buteerflies i am deeply happy..........

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Intensity could possibly just be lust...which can be mistaken for love...

But I assure you, even after your first love you can feel butterflies and can have that feeling inside that makes you feel all content.

Maybe you just haven't had that moment where everything is perfect and you feel like you want that moment to last forever... thats when I feel mine..

But you can feel intensity even after your first love

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