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i have no idea what to do...


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So a few months back like 5 or so. I was talking to this sweet, caring, ambitious, artistic girl (girl A) with which I really wanted to get together. But in the meanwhile I fell in love with another girl (girl B) which I have been with since april. Me and girl B are at the same university and in the same group (we go to the same uni but are from different towns) and I really really liked her (and still do). She used to have girlfriend with which she broke up a few month before we got together (yea she is bi). We really had fun together, like a lot and then summer brake came and she went with her parents to Germany for a few weeks and said she will come to my home town in the 4th of August (a few days from now). During this time I managed to learn quite a few stuff about her and about me as well: I thought she was more affectionate than she is (she is that type of cold person that can't express her feelings well), and last night when we talked she told me she has this "need" to go out and kiss and do it with other people and asked me if I am ok with letting her do it and she won't do it if I am not okay but it's like a really big impulse for her that has been bothering her for a while and she is really sad that she can not try and do stuff with people she knows. I suggested let's have threesomes (I'm really open to the idea but she dissmised it saying "I really want it only for me without you being involved"). You can imagine my shocked about hearing this I mean we have not been on really good terms since she left, the distance being a new thing for me and I don't really know how I really should act. Anyways after she told me that I said no, because I am not really comfortable with sharing her and the idea really makes me sad and depressed. So I asked her do you wanna maybe try to see if with time your "urges" might go away? And she said yes let's try (that was last night at around 1 am). So now I am really confused about what to do... I mean I want her to be happy but I also want to be with her. Lately, ever since in the back of my head the idea that me and girl B would not be able to have a future together (Yes I've kinda saw this one coming because we've had fights and she wasn't really nice to me and treated me awfull) I've been talking to girl A and I told her about my situation with girl B and she told me to get rid of her because she isn't doing me any good and it's not worth it me being sad over someone that does not even love me like she should. So yea I don't know what to do. Should I keep trying with girl B, maybe just maybe she'll love me again and she will manange to surpress her "urges" or should I just break up with girl B and try something with girl A which I actually still like.

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It sounds like you should break it off with Girl B. If she doesn't treat you well, has sexual urges that she can't control, and wants to do them without you even when you offered, it seems she just wants to use you. She using you because she wants your emotional support and cares more about herself than she cares about you. She would rather hurt you and have sex with other people than be loyal to you. She is a confused girl who wants a relationship but also wants to be single. I really wouldn't bother with her, she sounds awful. Sorry if that's intense. For Girl A I have no advice to you, only to not use her as a rebound. After a break up, everybody needs a month or so to heal and be ready to be a bf/gf for somebody else. Here if you need more support.

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I think you know your answer. You should break it off with Girl A, keep Girl B only as a friend, and see if you can find a Girl C who believes in a more traditional boyfriend-girlfriend type of relationship. Keep in mind that in college, you and the girls you'll run into are still confused about who they are and what they are, and some are still in an extended childhood where they're still thinking and acting like high schoolers. People like Girl A may seem exciting at first, but you're experiencing the downside where she may run in faster circles than you do.

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