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I dont know if I'm Suicidial, or am I just emotional?


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When ever im in trouble or sad i become depressed. I always end up with a knife at hand. I ve cut myself so many times i feel numb.

just recently i engraved my mothers name in my leg. But throu all this i get different moods. Theres times when im mad,next minute im happy, sad, . Ive tried to kill my self b4. But am i suicidial or am i just emotional?

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Something is bothering you, and you can't admit what the real problem is.


You can and should seek help. Tell your mom that you are sick and need to see the doctor, something that will not cause a lot of suspicion -- in the doctor's office -- tell them that you need help.

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Well its normal to have a huge range of emotions as a teenager. But if you need to resort to cutting, then there is something more than just being "emotional".


Is there something going on in your life that is bothering you?

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Women are a lot more emotional than men. Due to them having a stronger emotional feeling due to some chemical they have in a more massive amount than men in their right hemisphere of the brain. Yeah, you're 14, a lot is going through your head right now and hormones are raging, don't worry about it it's just emotional.



**Though cutting yourself and trying to commit suicide isn't normal.

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First of all I am not a doctor. But in my opinion you are not suicidal. When I was 14 I did the same things. My mother actually put me in a mental hospital. I think that being a teen is rough, and parents seem to have forgotten that. I don't know what you have been through or what all you are going through now, all I can tell you is, you need to find someone you can talk to. And do your best to find another way to deal with your emotions. Most likely you are not who you are mad at, so why hurt yourself. A lot of times cutting is a cry for help, even if you may not see it as that. The fact that you are here asking for advise show's you need help. I am sure there is at least one adult in your life you can trust and talk to. For your sake, I hope you find someone soon. Life is precious, and even though it seems like you'll be a kid forever, you won't. Adulthood will be here for you know it. Hang in there.

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I think its because i take myself 4 granted i lived with my mom and then during x-mas i moved in with my dad. Dont get me wrong i want to live with my dad but im just not happy there.with is new wife and everything i feel uncofortable. I want to moeve back with my mom but im afraid ill break my dads heart and that he wont let me and press charges on my mom. thats why i feel like s*it! sorry but i just had to say it, I know im only 14 but everyone thinks im more an adult just because they think i have a mind of one. BUt i think my life is leading nowhere. Im actually disobeying everything my dad says what should i do??????????????????????????? 0X 0X 0X

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Your parents and your stepmom are all there for you, of course, you can't see that, because you are too caught up in the blaming process to look at things in a more rational light.


Do any of the parents involved see how you are suffering, or are you hiding your feelings from them?

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  • 4 weeks later...

If you are cutting yourself it means you are simply using physical pain and the stigmata of blood to divert yourself from how miserable you are. I used to do that. I once even stabbed myself in the hand with a samuari sword (got nerve damage there to this day although the scar isn't that visible anymore). Females do this more than men. Perhaps because women/girls are less in denial when they feel like excrement. I think if you are at the point of this however, even though I don't think you are near suicide, you should try hospitalization.

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I do understand what your going through. I'm here to help pm me at any time. But do try to find someone that you can talk to about how your feeling. That can maybe help you out more. We can only do so much though we do what we can to the best of our ablity.

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