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hey guys,

I'm having some personal issues right now and ive tried to work them out by myself but its sounding to me as if i need some help now, the reason i came here is because i know alot of girls in this day tend do obsess over weight problems for attention, when they arent even fat...but I'm not fat either and i think i am...I'm afraid if this keeps up i will become anorexic or bulimic and i dont want it to get this far. so once again i came here to get advice form people and not have my actual friends in there heads being like..shes not fat i dont know why shes obsessing...its my own deal and i need a way to beat it. First of all I'm about 5'3" and im 128lbs. Im not fat but like anyone..wants to be toned...but me not being ocmpletely tone, its like my mind is telling me your fat ..and im looking in the mirror and im like im not though...for those of you that dont know thats the first sign of anorexia and im trying to beat it...anyways so about a week and a half ago i started to run (which i LOVE to do) 3 1/2 miles every night..and obviously pounds dont shed or you dont look different every night but i do feel a little better about myself and it beats stress and im feeling a little more toned, if you will..but my question to you is that if i keep running about 3 miles a night or so, will i become more toned? and about how long does it take to notice some changes..thanks so much...oh and other weight loss tips are also helpful

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Running is great cardiovascular excercise and it will mostly work your legs and abdomen. Other muscles in your body are worked as well but they are minor. If you want to get toned the most effective work out would be cardiovascular, weight training and modifying your diet. The cardio is raising your heart rate and burning calories which is needed to lower your body fat which will give you the toned look you are looking for. Adding the other 2 elements will allow you to see your results more quickly and is a better start to a healthy lifestyle. I believe that you will see noticeable results in 30-60 days if you only run. If you throw in the other two elements then its possible to see noticeable results in around 30 days. A healthy diet is about balance, if you are going to keep up that kind of excercise activity you dont want to aviod carbohydrates (thats your bodies fuel), but you do want to aviod foods high in saturated fat as well as consume a wider variety of healthy foods.

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Hey hun~


I've been through what your going through. I also know how it feels to tell your friends about how you feel about yourself, only to be heckled because they think you are being silly, becasue you're not fat.


I'm 5'9 and 150 which is about where i should be for my height, but I'm big boned...like a brick house. I gain muscle easily when I work out and it just makes me feel big...I am finally comfortable with my body after about 4 years of being obsessive compulsive about my weight. I also had a mild case of bullimia that made me feel worthless on top of feeling fat all the time. I still worry sometimes, but probably as much as any other woman. Exercise is really helpful in helping relieve some of that anxiety and making you feel good about yourself.


I don't think you need to worry about losing weight. Just eat healthy and keep on runnin if you like. I would focus on doing sit ups push ups and other toning exercises you can do at home. Buy a set of dumbells or try pilates. I do sit ups and push ups and leg lifts (for the rear end) n'stuff like that at home and it has really toned me up. I also work out at the gym 3 to 4 times a week...I am not focusing on losing weight just on feeling good about myself and being healthy. I have been pretty disciplined for 3 weeks now and have lost 4 pounds, which is good I guess since I gained a little over the winter.


I used to freak out afater I ate a slice of pizza...it would keep me up at night. I avoided lots of foods I loved which I think made me kind of bitter...now I enjoy all the foods I like in moderation...life is too short. As long as you have healthy habits...like regular exercise and control over your food portions there is nothing to worry about...it takes a lot of calories to gain a pound of fat and it's not going to show up overnight.


Remember this...it is far better to be beautiful on the inside then the outside. In retrospect when I think about the way I was when I obsessed about my weight, always thingking about it talking about it..it was like I was so empty and ugly on the inside...Your beauty on the inside shows on the outside. Take care of yourself...love yourself...if you want to talk about your fears or concerns about your weight or anything else feel free to PM me.

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There is a really intense movie called Super Size me. It was interesting to me that the guy started to report feeling depressed after about a week on his fast-food diet.


He also ran into health problems right away.



Ya i heard about that move. I want to see it but i miss it EVERY TIME it's on.

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see my reply to randy and his question does carbohydrate contribute to fat, in this forum. Everyone is obsessed with loosing weight, when the percentage of body fat is the key issue. You can loose weight running that much everyday, but you will burn muscle and fat. You may lose weight, but you body fat could stay the same, and in alot of cases it increases. I am pretty sure you have seen thin people, but if you touch them of get close, its just fat over bone. You need some body fat, for a female 12% would be considerd a competitive athlete. That is toned. Once your fat drops below that, you can start to become anemic, and other female problems can occur. When you loos muscle mass, your metabolism drops, and it is easier to store fat. Do not overdo the cardio, try that about 2-3 times per week, assuming, maybe look at 2-2.5 miles 2-3 times per week, and some resistance training for 1 hour 3 times per week. Increase your protein in your diet to increase your muscle building capacity. You should not have to fear about getting bulky, I honestly have not seen any women get bulky. They just do not produce enought testosterone, there are exceptions. Female pro bodybuilders often use steroids and other drugs, that why the tend to look like men. Use male hormones, and become a man. As long as you do not do this, you should be fine. do not forget to chek out the forum metioned at the beginning.

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Apollo has a point about the percent body fat. A while back when I was really disciplined in my workouts I actually weighed 10 pounds more than I do now but I was so much leaner. My clothes fit much better back then. I remember thinking why isn't the scale going down? As soon as I cut back on my workouts I noticed my weight drop but then eventually it went back up again when I abandoned my workouts and I started to gain a little fat. So don't concentrate too much on the scale. I love tuna and crackers...I get my protein and my carbs...Carbs are good, just not refined sugar. Raisins are great for energy...trail mix w/out m&m's are good too.

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