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Scary incident::::In much need of advice

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Okay odd situation: Yesterday I had really,really,really bad cramps like I spent half the day crying over and went to the nurse to lay down, and I didnt have much to drink that day so she gave me a cup of water. But later on about 4o min. into fourth period, my class and I were all standing around a table talking about pictures and my vision got extremely blurry and I got really hot and dizzy and almost blacked out so I called out to my teacher that I was going to the bathroom becuase I didnt want to pass out like right there and by the time I got to the nurses office I felt a little better although my i was cold and breathing was all shallow and my heart beat was too fast (according to the nurse) she didnt really give me any explanations on what happened deos anyone have any idea and what could have caused this? Should I see a doctor maybe? All comments are appriciated...Thanx so much

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I don't think it would hurt to see a doctor. It is possible that something could be wrong, so I guess it's better to get checked out than forget about it. I can't say what could have been wrong. I would say to play it safe and go see a doctor.

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I experienced that also while going to school and then as an adult I finally figured out what was going on. It could be several things. You could be dehydrated, which can cause cramping. Do you drink enough? I don't mean sodas, juices, and the like. Water is the best. I buy flavored water because I hate regular water. Also, you could be anemic. It's where your iron levels are low and your body doesn't produce enough blood products. Do you bruise easily? If so, that could be a possibility. Also, you could possibly be diabetic. All of these things you should definitely get checked out by a dr. as soon as possible. I hope this helps.

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my vision got extremely blurry and I got really hot and dizzy and almost blacked out

I had the same happen to me.. like maybe 3 times.. all the time it was on a train, undeground... i have no idea what it was, but i was about to faint... had it all black in my eyes... I wasnt pregnant or anything!

I think the reason was cause it was very hot and no fresh air there.... Maybe plus not eating enough that day... or maybe not enough vitamins or something like that....

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I would talk to a doctor about this. It's impossible for us to diagnose you over the internet so if you have any concerns about your health you should speak to a doctor or at least to your school nurse about what happened.

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To me it sounds like you weren't eating and drinking right that day, and your body got over heated from the sun, maybe you had a little flu that you didn't know about. Something caused you to feel like you were sick and passing out, some outside thing.


I had something similar happen when I was working in a science lab, and I think that maybe a chemical had been left out that made me feel sick, like I was about to pass out. I think that I did sort of black out and just stood there by the sink for a few minutes. Some grad students were in there, and they saw me just standing there. It felt like I was on laughing gas....

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As recommended it would be best to see a doctor but from reading the symptoms you may request he or she check your blood sugar level. (Some schools with parental permission will allow the nurse to check your level via finger prick at their office when you check in as sick) Before I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia the first major encounter I had with the problem I too had cramps paired with being hot before my vision blurred, I became disoriented/dizzy and did pass out. When I was again conscious I was instead cold, and felt in some places almost numb. When my blood pressure/pulse was taken it was unusually high and my breathing wasn't regular. Sometimes before or after these symptoms in the following days I would encounter a headache and extreme feeling of being tired and sometimes thirsty (but not excessively).


I spoke to different doctors whom had theories about what they believed it to be but passed with flying colors so to say on their testing. One doctor I went to, listened to what happened, and recommended testing for glucose tolerance. I was there after diagnosed with Hypoglycemia (Low blood Sugar) and had to repair my diet and exercise to help curve and keep it under control. This doctor stated that often times people will have the problem for years and occasionally have mild symptoms and confuse it with the flu or some sort of ill (due to the way it comes and goes until it becomes severe) and can easily be looked over for a long span of time. If I could remember properly what the correlation between cramps and this problem was I would explain it but I don't, I do recall though that when I spoke of cramps to this doctor along with all the other symptoms it was what lead him to deciding I should have the glucose testing.

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Sounds to me like the classic symptoms of a panic attack. Usually caused by a thyroid problem...could be either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Either way, best bet is to go talk to your GP, explain the symptoms. Most likely he will check your thyroid and have you get a blood test. He/She might also put you on anti-anxiety medication. Do a google on panic attacks and you'll see what I mean. Nothing to worry about...meaning there's most likely nothing really wrong with you...but I know how scary it can be. I get those myself..at least, I used to.

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