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Generally the feelings would already be there before sex, such as with the holding hands. The sex would be part of and augment it.


Casual sex certainly has its appeal and its attraction. However, as I have known women who have had lots of casual sex and have gone on to have difficulties in settling down and having families, as I have experienced women not be able to connect sex and love no matter how hard they try, I advise not to indulge too much into it.


I feel its presumed that one day you can get to your 30's or so, flick a switch and be a functional partner and parent.


But what you've done in the meantime has made the person you are, and for some if they've mainly just been sleeping around with no or little first hand experience of an emotional and sexual bond, a long term relationship might be extra tough.


There's a price to pay for everything we do, casual sex has its price also. Its not, as is commonly assumed, a consequence free activity and if a young woman asked me to be her first as a casual lover, I would turn her down. Based on possible consequences for her that I wouldn't want to be part of.


This actually killed a relationship I was in. She was emotionally tied to me, but when it came to sex, she wanted no emotions involved. She was used to sex being separate from her emotions. She had a past of being involved with men who were married/in relationships and that may be why she compartmentalized sex. I on the other hand have always been more emotional/sensual about sex. Pleasing my partner was my goal. She didn't like that. She wanted me to focus on pleasing myself, not her. She couldn't orgasm otherwise. It was quite weird.


Needless to say, that didn't work out.

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