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Is he treating the girl he actually likes better?


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I was treated with a lot of disrespect and insensitivity by a mutual friend who turned into a casual hookup. I've posted a lot about this individual in other posts. Our mutual friends have admitted that he can be some what of a douchebag and cruel.


He's recently found someone "He actually likes" "not like you" were his exact words.


I can't help thinking that he's treating this girl like gold and treated me with disrespect because he didn't have romantic feelings for me. I feel worthless and degraded. I know people only treat you the way you let them treat you and I cut off contact. The only problem is that he lives with my best friends.


I used to have feelings for him and it's killing me to think of him with the girl who is actually "worthy" of being his girlfriend.

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He sounds like a jerk. Be glad you are rid of him. It doesn't matter how much he likes this other person, if he is someone who feels like it's okay to be mean and degrading towards anyone then his bad behavior will show up in any relationship he has. You don't know how he is treating this other person. Don't make up a narrative that belittles yourself.

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I can't help thinking that he's treating this girl like gold and treated me with disrespect because he didn't have romantic feelings for me.




But, people like this tend to revert to type before long, and he's someone who is very disrespectful of people. So while he might be treating her well now, it won't last.

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When he was just a "mutual friend" and before you "hooked up." How did he treat you then. Your other mutual friends said he can be a d-bag. Did you notice his d-baggery before you were sex-buddies or did that just surface after you and he went to bed?

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I noticed he was really confident, bordering on a sense of arrogance before I slept with him. After we did and during, he would make degrading comments. One time he asked me to drive him home after sex.


He made me feel really worthless, but with the girl he actually likes I assume he's treating her like gold.

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I noticed he was really confident, bordering on a sense of arrogance before I slept with him.
Do you find men like that attractive?


After we did and during, he would make degrading comments.
I assume you like that or you would have just stopped doing him and moved on to someone less cocky/rude/d-bag-like


One time he asked me to drive him home after sex.
Did you drive him home?


He made me feel really worthless,
But you kept going back for more???


but with the girl he actually likes I assume he's treating her like gold.
It's already been mentioned that you can't assume anything. He's not going to change for you or anyone. His personality is that of a douche bag. You should be fixated on why you would get with a douche bag rather then worrying that he is possibly treating her like gold.


Work on having the confidence and self-worth to know that you are the prize and only good guys get to be with you. That way you'll not find men like this one worth being with in ANY capacity.

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