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Why ignore me?

Laura Ashley

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Hello everyone, I sent a post ages ago about this tutor at school. He's young about 22/23.


Well I still feel attracted towards him. I always have. But lately he keeps ignoring me. He doesn't say 'hi' to me any more or 'good morning'


I know nothing can happen. But I want him and I can't let him go. Theres just something about him. He's special. But he doesn't seem to know me any more he doesn't say anyhting to me.


What have I done wrong. Is he suspicious?


I want him to talk to me some more



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Well I didn't read the previous post, but did you flirt with him? Are you younger than him? If so then maybe he's just trying to show u that nothing can happen between you by pushing u away. Just start talking to him one day.

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Maybe somehow he's figured out that you're interested and now he doesn't want to lead you on?


Then again, he could just be having troubles with his own personal life? Does he still say good morning or hello to other students or is he just ignoring you? [/i]

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wow thanks you two!


I really expected some harsh posts. But maybe he is have trouble in his own life I had considered that. I aren't sure if he does chat to other students or not.


How do I start a convo without it being to weird? I hate some of the women he works with. I'm jealous of them. At least if the wanted him they could have a chance.



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yeah... I agree with kiwifly. Perhaps he sensed that you're interested in him, and he doesn't want to lead you on.


Crushes are fun, but obviously, this man can't reciprocate your feelings. If you're in the US, then you know that 16/22 isn't legal. Furthermore, since he is employed at the school, he could be fired for having a relationship with a student.

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I agree with DN, I knew the day would come!!


I think he is tired of the feelings that he is having and is moving on...that is the smart thing to do. Having a strong crush that goes no where makes people uncomfortable and depressed after a while. He got tired of the whole thing, and moved on emotionally.


High five -- man.

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Yes, I am willing to bet that he is ignoring you because he may sense your attraction to him and not only is it illegal for him to pursue you with you being a minor but it is also a big no no for him as a tutor/teacher and you as a student where he works. He could lose his job for that, and it can make it almost if not impossible to find work elsewhere with a stigma like that on his record.


So, to him, whether he likes you or not, it's safer to leave you alone and not worth risking his career for.

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Well - it doesn't matter if he does have a crush on you or not. The bottom line is that he can't persue this relationship. Daydreaming and having a harmless crush on him is fun, but don't let it get out of hand. You'll get over him in time. I think you should go hang out with your friends at the mall, and check out other cute guys. I think once the next guy comes along, you'll forget about this tutor.


Take care!

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I am saying that maybe you are being too outgoing. Men can tell when someone likes them. He is trying to distance himself from you so that he will not get into trouble. I have a feeling that you don't really know him that well, but you are attracted to him, is that so?


He is smart to put his professional life first, isn't he? Don't we respect him more that he is being professional, and ignoring you coming on to him?

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I know he's doing well to put his career first but it just hurts knowng he has too.


No I don't know him very well but he's really cute and have you ever had a crush where whenever you see him you can't stop smiling because it's the effect he has on you? well thats what im suffering from.



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I know exactly how you feel, and yes, I feel that way all the time. You need to keep it in perspective. There are rules in place for a reason. If he dated all his students, then he would seem fake to the coworkers, so he is better off looking for love in other places. However, there is nothing wrong with a crush!!!


Just keep your feelings modulated. It is his working environment, so it is a cousin of sexual harassment....


Be good, ok??

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yeah I'll be good I promise.


It justn hurts to know every guy (and there is an endless line) I have a crush on I can't have for some reason because


their married

their a teacher

they don't like me

they have a girlfriend

they find my friend more attractive (and thats an issue cause i begin to hate her)


and so on and so forth,. Always an exuse


This guy is special he's different and I can't have him.



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  • 1 month later...

Thanks annie


well he's leaving in september to go to a new school in Arazona. I was gutted. Im trying my best not to see him or talk to him but it's hard.


how do you get over a crush? I want to get over it now. Keeping busy only makes it worse.



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