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Asking for advice: Older and in a new relationship with an army sergeant major!

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I am 53, just 2 months ago reconnected with a school friend on Facebook. We immediately hit it off. He has been in the Army since 1983 and is now an E9 Sergent Major. He lives 8 hours from me and we recently spent 9 days together. We both had failed marriages so we've been single, me for 3 years and him for 23 years. I am so crazy head over hills for him! We text and talk everyday! I want to make sure that I handle this right! Being this far apart stinks! Advice needed please!

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My only advice is to end it now if one of you can't easily move when things become more serious. Don't wait until a year has passed before you realize he cannot move and you will be the one to make the sacrifices in order for it to work out. Don't mean to sound line a pessimist, but rather, a realist.

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