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His brother is flirting with me

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Hi, I'm new here and need some advice, I love my boyfriend first off, so leaving him isn't an option for me, we've been together a year and a half now, we get along good, he has an older brother, which is how I met him, through his brother and his brothers ex girlfriend, I liked his brother at first until he started flirting with me for a couple of months, I still think he's cute, I would never want to be with him in a relationship but he's been making sexual comments about my body, he's never done this before and he seems to only do this when me and his brother are around, his brother notices all of this and it makes him mad at both of us, what should I do? We see him every other day, they're 19 and 20 years old so they're close, I could never hurt him

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Ask your boyfriend to tell his brother to knock it off... Its disrespectful to both you and your boyfriend and your b/f should be telling him to knock it off without you having to tell him to but since he isn't, then ask him to.


Why would your boyfriend be mad at you for something that is out of your control? Are you flirting back?

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