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Hello everyone! I'm nervous as it's my first time here. I will try to make this as short as possible. I broke up with someone 2 years ago and I haven't really been myself ever since. We were together for just 1 year and a half, but it was the most intense thing I have ever experienced. I loved him so much that it's hard to describe it in a few words on a forum. I still think he loved me too. It was perfect for awhile. At some point, he started to become distant and cold, couldn't fix it, so I ended it with him. He said it's maybe for the best, that he wants to be free, single and so on; the usual stuff. After the breakup, we kept on talking daily for maybe 2 months, then not anymore. anyway, we met and we ended up having sex. And it went on like this for almost 2 years, just sex, calling each other at night. He became friends with some of my friends, the story is way more complicated. We both got into excessive partying, lots of alcohol, sleeping with way too many people, but neither one of us had another relationship. 2 months ago I ran into him at a bar and he started saying how I was the most beautiful girl he's ever been with, how important I was for him, that he loved way more than I think, that it was really bad timing back then and so on. I left and went home crying, he called me, wanted to come to my place again, changed his mind 2 min later. 1 week after we met for sex again, and I decided to really put everything to an end. I told him that he caused me to much sadness, I cried too much over him, I lost the most beautiful years of my life depressed. However, a few days ago he called me drunk again at 4 am, I rejected him. yesterday I saw on facebook that he is on vacation with a girl right now. Can't describe how I felt, the same as when we broke up or even worse, I am a mess again. I know how all this sounds, like I was used, but I wasn't. I was just so in love and I still am. He's in my mind all the time and he's everything I want. I have been too coward to tell him how I really felt, I guess I was too afraid of rejection. I just don't know what to do anymore, my friends tell me I'm crazy and I should give up, but I can't and I won't let go. I truly believe I'll never get over, it's been way too long.

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I truly believe I'll never get over, it's been way too long.


It's up to you, whether you get over it or not. You don't have to, if you don't want to. Some people prefer to wallow in unrequited love. I personally would get on with my life, but that's just me.

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Thanks for your replies. I know letting go is the right thing to do, I don't know why I always hesitated, but either way... better late than never. I'll see how it goes. Ginger, how long has it been for you? Because I know a lot of people who had trouble in letting go for months, let's say, I was concerned about my situation cause it's not months, but years. But well, I brought this on myself, so...

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