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Am I being paranoid?


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We have been seeing each other for over a month now which really doesn't seem like much when I actually say it/think about it. I have had very bad experiences with dating, I've been the side chick, the girl just used to waste time with etc. I've had no luck anywhere.

He is 12 years older than me which does seem like a big age gap but I'm okay with that. I've told him about my past experiences and that sometimes I'm afraid of us which he understood and said he'd do his best to not let me down which comforted me slightly. Last week he said his Aunt and cousin(he calls her sister due to cultural reasons) will come to London to visit him for about 3 weeks which is absolutely fine. He started to post pictures of her on instagram and other social media which is fine too until it was more than twice. Pictures which seemed to be like they're at a table for 2..not 3. He told me he took many pictures of his sister and I asked if there were any of his aunt and he said no she does like taking pictures. Today they went for lunch and he again posted a picture of her which clearly showed that it was a table for 2 but this time I asked him if his aunt didn't acompany them which he asked me if I was having doubts again and I just played it off and said no I was just wondering since the table seemed like it was for 2 he then said 2 tables were connected but it really didn't seem like it. Am I just being insecure and crazy?

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My question would be, what part of him being 12 years older are you ok with? Another question would be, why are you ok with those pictures of him with another lady? In which culture do you call your cousin your sister? Probably not a very advanced culture that is.




Let's raise that shining red flag, and press the abort button.




Let's requote your own words.


"I've been the side chick, the girl just used to waste time with etc. I've had no luck anywhere. "


Things never happen for no reason, there's a reason this is happening. A reason that is much deeper then that you have discussed in here in this thread.


I think you need to find the root cause of those reasons, and resolve them before you can become successful at dating. And until you do, you need to consider what is going on as a RED FLAG situation, i would advice you to run away as fast and far as you can from this. Work on yourself, and try to figure what is going wrong with your dating and how to resolve it in order for you to become successfull at dating..

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I mean, I always trust my gut feeling. In my experience if something feels off then it most likely is. I would say either choose to bring up your concern (not to accuse him) and talk about it...or you could choose to end things and move on. Don't continue with the relationship if you don't feel it's worthwhile for you.

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